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Why do we garden, at this moment? []

Allamanda 8 May 6
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Most often, playing in the dirt is the only thing that still makes sense.


I planted both spearimint and peppermint . I rub my arms through it before I begin gardening to keep the misquitos away . And it smells so good . I enjoy a little time outside on the fresh air and a little indirect sunshine . I've been working for years , trying to get the backyard to be a pleasant place to be . I started with flowers , trying to select hardy plants that love the Texas weather , some that couldn't handle the Maryland snows I used to see . Then I began learning about their micro climate preferences . I moved a row of trees , that had been planted too close to the swimming pool . As the trees dropped seeds , and the seedlings started to grow , I encouraged the ones I wanted with fertilizer and watering during the drought periods . When they were big enough , I cut down the ones in front of them . Brought in more durable landscaping materials , just a few at a time , so we ( my paid help and I ) could handle them . I'm making better use of high planters , so I can work on them from my scooter . The plan had always been to plant food plants next to the sun porch , so kept that area free of weed killers and pesticides , but had to put off planting it due to the proximity to the builders . Now I'm beginning to put in food plants . My paid help is beginning to see and understand why I plan for pavers around the planters and has become more enthusiastic , about putting in the heavy bits that make things accessible for me .

Cast1es Level 9 May 6, 2020

Thanks for sharing that journey it's inspiring!
At age 52, I am happy to still be quite able bodied, but I think about gardening throught life and how to keep it accessible. I also think about what it will mean to move. I want my retirement years to be in a beautiful, far more progressive state than I currently find myself, (I have my eye on western Oregon in the Cascades), but it will be hard leaving a garden I have poured 15-plus years of loving care into.


I am on here now mostly because I am at work, ...lunch hour, and don't have access to the garden. I agree with the allure of gardening mentioned in the article. Gardening is my exercise, my meditation time, my communing with nature time, an all around de-stresser. Puttering out there is a joy.


I live in a little triplex. The neighbor in the house on the end has planted a little tomato patch and invited the three neighbors here to work in it and share the fruit.

freeofgod Level 8 May 6, 2020

Yeah, I agree with her that the activity itself of gardening is intrinsically more satisfying than sitting in front of a monitor. Though I acknowledge the opportunity to discuss arcane topics with the rare individual who is really interested is an attraction offered by the internet, I also feel that pervasive use of language is part of the problem. Just to notice things and do things without a lot of accompanying narration is part of what I like about gardening. It feels good to let the mind empty out once in a while. But I especially connected with what she called the pervasive retreat of nature and needing to feel a part of that.

MarkWD Level 7 May 6, 2020

Lol, yup, my hoeing muttering. Seems a great release hoeing and muttering, talking to the weeds never apologizing for my

@Allamanda yup, and allergy season, mine starts early in the spring but is tapering off now. Particularly bad spring allergy wise for me this year. Every fall and spring a curse to deal with, and yea, it makes me curse. Lol


It’s my therapy. Just getting my hands in dirt and feet on the ground makes me feel better.

@DavidDuhon yes! I’ve been doing more of that. Getting off the computer and outside to tend to my new garden beds at my son’s home. I get more grounded, and get more vitamin D from the sunshine! Win, win all around!!😉

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