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A full flower moon last night and it should be even nicer tonight if you have clear skies to view it from your garden. The first buds are on the trees and the daffodils have made their appearance, good things to come I hope.

Surfpirate 9 May 7
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Great shot - thank you taking 'the risk', it is appreciated 😁

Heidi68 Level 8 May 7, 2020

One of my favourite pics from when we were visiting Machu Picchu, really not as bad as it looks because the first drop is only about 30' and then there is a sloped section about 30' long and then it is over the edge and down to the valley bottom which is about 1,300'. You don't walk away from that one but at least this one had stone stairs, no handrails but at least stairs. 😀

@Surfpirate WOW! Talk about holding one's breathe!


It's the last Super Moon of 2020 tonight too!

RavenCT Level 9 May 7, 2020

Gorgeous picture!!


I did get a look at it before turning in. Sure looked full. Nice photo, my phone camera is shit for this kind of thing.

MarkWD Level 7 May 7, 2020

I had to take the shot from the upstairs balcony in order to get the composition right with the tree branches, a little sketchy as the railings aren't installed yet. It's a good 15' to the sudden stop on a limestone slab.

@Surfpirate so I see you're willing to endure a little risk for your craft.

@MarkWD When life stops being a risk it isn't worth living. I was forced to hang out over the edge to get the shot but it's not like walking the tops of the walls at Machu Picchu. A calculated risk, I don't heal up the way I used to.


Interesting. Several people here actually look to the moon for optimum (and not) times to plant and harvest their plants.

The farmer's almanac continues that condition if I am not mistaken. People used to insist on planting some crops by the light of a full moon, must have made it tricky getting the spacing right when sowing by hand.


The temperature dropped a bit so it was cool and clear here, and it was bright and beautiful to watch.

Lauren Level 8 May 7, 2020
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