13 12

Weed and grass killer tip... vinegar. A neighbor noticed some grass was working it's way between my pavers and said that pouring or spraying with plain old vinegar would kill them as it's an acid. Very inexpensive too, $2 a gallon.

So I tried it. I saw no difference the next day but on day 3 they were all dead, Bermuda grass, chickweed and some other stray grasses. All gone and no scary chemicals. 🙂

NoPlanetB 8 June 15
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Isn’t vinegar a chemical? I boiled some water in my tea kettle and poured it on weeds in places I didn’t want them and was able to sweep them away after they dried. Perfect for weeds in sidewalk!


Will try this on the cracks in the driveway and sidewalk . Thanks for the DIY info .

Cast1es Level 9 June 16, 2020

Urine works as well and is free.

@NoPlanetB Just have your neighborhood dogs piss on it then.


Cool tip

bobwjr Level 10 June 15, 2020

Yes, I've used it too! It took care of mixed grasses in dirt/gravel along my foundation, where I do not want anything growing.


I tried this on my gravel driveway......full strength white vinegar and a drop of dish detergent in a spray bottle, in hot full sun. Tops turned brown, roots came rightt back up nice & green. Lot of work for nothing, it's a large driveway.
I am highly allergic to commercial weedkiller, so I now use gasoline. (Which i have on hand for the mower). I am not allergic to it & it works great, just put in a spray bottle....of course i never smoked.....

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 15, 2020

Not very good for the environment, though.

@AstralSmoke I am not so sure it is worse that salt, and certainly better than weed killer, plus unlike vinegar,you have to use very little, just a misting.and just once or twice a year, too,because it kills the plants, just not knock them back...I use an old Windex sprayer, so I am recycling that too.


Thanks for the information. I do have this issue.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 15, 2020

Me too. I thought perhaps putting a lot 9f salt in the cracks would fo tbe job, but it didn't. The blades of the burmuda grass started to turn brown, but then it recovered. Vinegar will be next.

@RussRAB My strategy has been when I cook things like pasta, I take the boiling water on the unwanted grass. It seems to work for a while.


Vinegar was used for weed control years before the poison,toxic, horrible commercial weed killers were invented.

freeofgod Level 8 June 15, 2020


Cody54 Level 1 June 15, 2020

You can add a bit of salt to that, and some dishsoap, that tends to kill them quicker.


If this works I will be deeply in your debt. I have a paver driveway that is more than a 1,000 sq ft, and have spent multiple days weeding it with a knife in the past. I will definitely be trying this.

Do you expect to need to reapply yearly? I should imagine yes. Did you notice if it stained the pavers? Did you you just apply it to the plants you could see or did you try to hit all the seams?

Just the clear white vinegar we use to clean our hardwood floors I think.


MarkWD Level 7 June 15, 2020

I use 40% vinegar with citric acid added. Spray it on early on a sunny day. Poison Ivy will back down from it. Regular vinegar may control some grasses, but poured into the soil will kill all the beneficial insects and around 90 % of the good microbes.

glennlab Level 10 June 15, 2020

Do you buy it already made up or can you share a recipe? Plain vinegar never worked for me.


You had much better luck than I did. I sprayed vinegar on a variety of grasses and weeds on my long gravel drive. A week later and everything is still thriving.

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