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For those of you who use Facebook have you ever noticed how, when you load some photos for a post that they somehow select a photo to crop to make a banner for the resulting album? I discovered this by searching my photos under albums and discovering all such batches of photos I'd loaded resulted in albums and that each one had a a banner over the top. I was struck by how interesting some of them were. So here are a half dozen photos which were inspired by their banner choices. What I did was go back to the original photo and make my own crop to please myself but as inspired by their's.

Obviously, I shoot a lot of photos of my garden but I suspect the subject matter wouldn't matter. I notice they seem to choose photos taken early morning or early evening when the light is more interesting. If anyone else would like to try it, perhaps you could post some here in a reply? Here are six of mine:

MarkWD 7 June 19
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I have tons of albums on FB. It always seems they use the 1st photo when I make the album.

Heidi68 Level 8 June 19, 2020

Boy you'd think I'd have noticed that. Going back to check!

You're right! They're all from the first photo. I guess it was just the novelty of seeing a thin strip from a wider view which I found intriguing.


I load quite a few on fb but never bother with what they are doing with their bs. I must ignore it pretty good


I guess I haven't loaded more than one or two pictures at once since I started FB.

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