7 10

I posted 2 weeks ago i was going to cut the comfrey back. I did last week and they grow fast...
The 5 cannabis girls are doing great...

HerbertNewsam 6 June 27
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many never seen the cannabis ok here. The round bushes right there...

Fooled me. Not the shape I was looking for.

@MarkWD yeah most are familiar with the xmas tree look. To get them this way takes lots of topping but it keeps them shorter, but will be very bushy.


Which are the cannabis?

MarkWD Level 7 June 27, 2020

The answer to the question, how do you keep the weeds down. I have just over an acre here in an L shape bordered on the west by the South Yamhill river
I do not like lots of chemicals, and the lawn took to many different types to keep nice. I like dirt.
I hoe. I hoe little weeds before they get big weeds. Yes i killed off the lawn with weed killer about 5 years ago. The amount of rains here keep things flushed. And been hoeing since.
I hoe everyday i can at least 30 minutes. It is a great exercise and feeling of accomplishments. Actually becomes a "zen" state if one allows it.
Here's some pics of my targets.

Nice, thanks.


Looks good. How do you weed control all that area?

Here is a better pic of the five. I am allowed 6 in flower and these are still veg of course.

Sorry i meant this for another but enjoy..🙂


Nice work. I can't spot the cannabis.

freeofgod Level 8 June 27, 2020

this better

@HerbertNewsam Nice. I was looking for the eight feet tall kind we grow in KY. Even though we're not supposed to 😉

@freeofgod these are just getting started with 2 full months of growing yet to do. they will be big bushes. 😉

@HerbertNewsam They will be awesome in eight more weeks. They are awesome now.

@freeofgod don't ya just hate our antiquated legal system controlled by big money industries. And i say that as i, my sons, daughter + husband are trying to put together a niche product in the cannabis cloning market. We hope to be a new startup that wants changes that allow more sustainability with more industries involved instead of several large ones. We are working on a second patent at this time. Ok enough of my
I know some others here might read this and want some info on our cloning machine. The patent is on a controlled temperature plant cloning machine.
So yeah i am serious about cannabis....

I like this guys thinking...

@HerbertNewsam Good luck.

@freeofgod thanks, tta(time tells all) is all i can say and some work.


Very nice good work

bobwjr Level 10 June 27, 2020

Oh, that's gorgeous, good work!

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