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This is the week my garden is beginning to die. The heat and no rain have taken their toll.
Tomato and yellow squash are the only things left.

Shade fabric helped prolong the season by maybe a week.

Next investment is a drip irrigation system. But we buy our water here. Wells are not practical because the water stinks. We collect rain water when rain is happening. But even then I have to take buckets of water every day to water plants. I don’t miss the gym!!

My first time vegetable gardening was last year. It was smallish. This year I have about 120 square feet for vegetables in one garden and I built a hugelkultur for another area. I’m learning every day. But this heat has gotten to me!

Thanks for listening!

Lightupmylife 7 July 9
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Drip irrigation works very well and conserves water. I installed a rain harvesting system which, to me, beats most well water. My well has ample water but it is full of iron (which is easily filtered out) but also very hard. We are normally (but not this year) also a drought area but the winter rains easily fill my 6,000 gallons and is ample for the summer. One thing I once saw was a screen with a angled trough below. The screen would catch the morning moisture and the trough would send it to a catchment. Even in desert areas a surprising amount of water could be gotten with this method.
I know all about the Texass heat as I ma from there and most of my family still lives there. Nooo thank you.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 10, 2020

Greetings from Canada where it will be 98F this afternoon and feel like 109F with the humidity, this has been going on for a couple of weeks and it is all I can do to keep up with the watering of my gardens. We are on a deep well but I can only water for 20 mins before I have to stop and let the well recharge for an hour. Rain in the forecast for the next few days which will kill our ebike rental business but probably save the gardens and the lawns.
The tomato plants I am growing experimentally on our flat roof have taken the hardest hit, even with white fabric under them the surrounding roof gets over 120F if I don't dose it with the hose.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 10, 2020

As you gain experience you will learn the seasons and, most important, your limitations 😉

freeofgod Level 8 July 10, 2020

Ah! You are near me. I just moved to Austin less than a year ago. I'm still impressed with the amount of mosquitoes and late night heat here.
I thought Florida was hot and full of bugs. But Austin beats it without a question.

Zoohome Level 8 July 10, 2020

In mid July I usually give up weeding because they are the only things left that are still growing . Mid August it's time to start the fall garden which is a lot easier , less bugs and weeds aren't as aggressive .

Besalbub Level 8 July 10, 2020

I guess one has to think about gardening as a seasonal thing. For example, here it doesn't dry out, but it does bake & gets to be a sauna. The only veg that tolerates our July and August I don't particularly care for....okra, eggplant. It is not entirely that limited, but I am still learning veggie culture here. Greenbeans do fine, but they only keep produciing if you pick them timely, and by now I have gotten behind. Mid-spring and mid-fall are our happy gardening sweetspots.


Tomatoes, yellow squash and pumpkins are the only things I ever plant because it's too hot here to do anything else.

Lorajay Level 9 July 10, 2020

Sadly we are having a cool wet summer here, lashings of rain and temps of 55 to 60 degrees.

Fernapple Level 9 July 10, 2020

Might try soaker hoses .

Cast1es Level 9 July 10, 2020

Felt like 104 here today at 6 pm.

freeofgod Level 8 July 9, 2020

Maybe the rain will come to you and the heat will break.

freeofgod Level 8 July 9, 2020

@Lightupmylife already tried that. Had no luck here 😉

@Lightupmylife washing car usually works better than rain dances

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