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My roses are still doing well in this obnoxious heat & humidity. How are your plants & flowers doing?

Heidi68 8 July 18
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We are just entering our heat season here, so I'm watering a bit each day. The Bear's Breeches (acanthus mollis) are very happy, and Chelsea's favorite spot now is among the lavendar, sage and rosemary!

Chelsea has the right idea!


I plant only natives so the only struggle I have is to keep invasives to a minimum. Multi flora roses were planted years ago as thorn fencing for livestock. Wonderfully fragrant I permit one bush on the perimeter. To grow garden roses requires extreme attention best left to the public rose gardens maintained by the pros or those that have the verve. Unless one is in a cool moist area such as the UK or Newport Rhode Island, it becomes too much of a challenge. More challenges is what I don't need. Lovely pics.

Mooolah Level 8 July 20, 2020

I can handle my roses but I am sick of Japanese Beetles & other bugs eating my grape vines, peaches, blackberries & ornamental plum - so needless to say they are coming down as soon as possible and I will plant native or at least non-bug yummy plants....

@Heidi68 The Japanese beetles infest the evening primrose but does not seem to harm them. I collect the beetles & freeze them as a treat for my chickens. They bloom fragrantly in cool overcast days in their 2nd year. Growing a food garden means much competition from nature. I now would rather support my local organic farmers market. Let them do the work as I reap the reward. Your area in NC has many of the same plants as Southern Wisconsin. Only 1% remains from what was due to the advance of farms & housing developments. My prairie is now bursting into bloom with lots of butterflies, whereas my woodland is for spring time blooms. Milkweed of which I have 4 types are sacred to me.

@Mooola That is what I am looking for butterflies, bees & hummingbirds! Good idea about supporting the local farmers - sure would make my life easier 😊

@Heidi68 Greatest year yet for butterflies. Swallowtails, red admirals, mourning cloaks, monarchs & viceroys. I permit the natives to grow where they choose & I design around them. Purple & prairie coneflowers, cup plant, & milkweed. Plant for the larvae to chew, & pollen for the adults. The reward is most fulfilling.

@Mooolah did you see these that I shared last weekend? This wonderful ?bush? appeared this year at the edge of the woods & my front pasture! As you said the natives are the best! ❤

@Heidi68 Joe Pye weed?

@Mooolah I have no idea but the bees & butterflies love it!

@Heidi68 Swallowtails love the joe pye weed. Near a wet zone?

@Mooolah unfortunately no. I am on top of a very large hill and there isn't any water (river or pond) for a few miles.

@Heidi68 Mine grow near my gutter & sump pump run off. Enough moisture on occasion but not constantly wet. A lack of moisture will stunt them but unless it is very dry for a long time I never have to water them. They will be 5' high instead of 7' or so.


have only had a few roses from our rose bush but they are a lovely deep shade of red & have a great scent. have a climbing rose bush with quite a few roses but not much scent to them.
lots of dahlias.
our lavender is just about finished.

2 of my rose bushes are have only given me a couple of roses each but the 6 bushes and the 1 climber have been constant. With this weather I have been impressed - currently it is 95°f with insane humidity.

@Heidi68 , our temps on the west coast (van isle) were below normal for quite a few weeks. still slightly below, which is good for gardens.

@callmedubious we started out a bit cool but end of June til now - wow! HOT! & HUMID!

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Posted by FernappleIt is time for the flowering of one of my favourite roses.

Posted by FrostyJimBerries do very well in Alaska... I'm growing strawberries, honeyberries, raspberries, gooseberries, and black currants ...oh and rhubarb too - it goes well with berries in a pie, jam, or cobler!

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Posted by FrostyJim...why didn't I think of that?

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Posted by FernappleNature is the best gardener still. All nature asks is a little space, that's all. Maybe no more than a slightly leaky fall pipe, and a bit of neglected wall, and you have a perfect tiny garden.

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