8 13

More of a lavender or pink than a red, but not a blue, but still pretty. It looks like this lotus will be prolific

glennlab 10 Aug 1
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Sorry you didn't get your blue, but it is pretty, nearly fuschia!

It is a pretty flower and I should have another in the morning and at least one more after that. They are very prolific bloomers with each flower lasting 3-5 days but it should continue to flower until the first freeze in late october or early november. The second year the first blooms should be early June if this one follows what mine have done in the past.


ooooo it is gorgeous! Even if it isn't blue.

Heidi68 Level 8 Aug 1, 2020

That's a nice edge on the leaf too. Is this one of those which leaves behind the interesting see head?

MarkWD Level 7 Aug 1, 2020

The leaves on this one are very triangular with points all around, they become more rounded but keep the points as they mature.


I love the color!!


Beautiful flower. Sorry it wasn't the one you had hoped for. Do you plan to try again?

RussRAB Level 8 Aug 1, 2020

I am thinling about it, I am going to have to break down and go to a pond shop and get a tuber. They don't always come true from seed and based on the number of seeds to gemanated plants, it really is a crap shoot.

@glennlab - I understand. As gorgeous as this flower is, I know you were hoping for something else. I hope you can find it. And I look forward to seeing it when you do.


Wow, that is beautiful Glenn, even if it's not the color you wanted.! Now I am wanting to find that Blue Lotus too!!!

The ancient Egyptians held it in reverence, but then they worshiped damned near everything


Very nice!


Lovely. Is it possible a random blue will appear?

I don't think so, I'm probably going to have to go to a high end pond store and buy a tuber, maybe next year. There are 2 in the Dallas area, but I tried to do it on the cheap side.

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