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Just went out the other day and took some photos of cottage gardens. I love the interplay of architecture, and hard materials with plants. The first one especially is to kill for, just so far from 'designer' gardens.

Fernapple 9 Aug 4
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Missed this one. What a great idea. With COVID here in the bat-turd crazy states, we've been making do with odd hour strolls through our neighborhoos for exercise. I have taken note of a number of front gardens that I enjoy seeing. Will try to remember to take pics.

MarkWD Level 7 Aug 10, 2020

Beautiful! Makes me wish I could face my home in stone to get a similar effect.


Great photos! Inspiring!!!


Love the iron spear fence .

Besalbub Level 8 Aug 4, 2020

Really like the mixture of brick and stone.


For many years, I have worked in my garden. I have been lucky to have good soil, great drainage, and many mature trees. About ten years ago, I considered my garden to be as close to my ideal as I could get. Then I started having accidents and breaking bones, left arm and wrist one year`; right arm and shoulder the next year. Then the spine operation. Guess what? My lovely cottage garden went beserk. The north and east side of the house is overrun by vines (for the English castle look) there are bushes of all kinds growing where I did not plant them. Bamboo started popping up again (took years to eradicate) and basically everything is now out of control.
There are jungles where I used to have little quiet spots. I am expecting trolls to appear this year.

Sometimes I feel as though you can't turn your back on them even for a few days.

Very true, the art of maintainence is very underated, making a garden is relatively easy, finding the skills and the commitment to keep it good, that is a real challenge. Mind you a lot of gardeners who are in the know would say that it is very brave to plant bamboo and vines at all.

@Fernapple Oh, I take no credit for the vines and the bamboo. It was here when moved in in 1976.

I understand! Having lost just about 18 mos of strong maintenance when my hip went out, I've been working daily on my yard now and removing piles of overgrowth, as well a making some tough decisions. I just remember that all plant material is eventually compost, and it all works together for the great good.

@OwlInASack Bring heavy machinery!


My favorite garden style!!!😍

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