8 15

Lowes discards:
Blue Spruce marked down from 99.00 to 50.00.
I talked the garden manager into 25.00 for it.
Then at the checkout with the rest of the stuff got another 10% off (military discount). Linda will have to find a spot for it in our back yard.

bigpawbullets 9 Sep 30
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Given a good fall planting and sunny location, it will fill and even out in no time - they are beautiful!


I love Lowes clearance. Best buy I ever made was a single dead cane from a hydrangea. There was a touch of green on the bottom near the soil. I paid fifty cents for it. It grew up to be a massive seven ft tall and about six feet in girth. Still alive and that was twenty years ago.

freeofgod Level 8 Sep 30, 2020

I got a naval orange and a key lime the key lime has 4 limes on it and the orange tree has at least fifty oranges on it . the previous years oranges got blown off in hurricanes . I know I've had other buys but none as successful as the orange tree . It's easy to buy them but then you have to plant them .

Great recovery story!


Love Blue Spruce, I hope it makes it!!


beautiful color, but is it the variety that grows to the size of drump tower?

AnneWimsey Level 9 Sep 30, 2020

I hope so Anne. 😆

Slow but big in the end. Mine makes about six to eight inches a year.


I love blue spruce, and that one needs some TLC. Good on ya!


Outrageous ripoff! Should have been $20 from start.

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 30, 2020

I started at; "just give me the tree and I'll take care of it." 😆

@bigpawbullets Exactly. You weren't even proposing that he pay you to take it off his hands & take the responsibility.


Is that your Christmas tree for this year? ☺

No grandchildren in this hemisphere so no X-mass tree required....


That's a healthy but deformed spruce. Give it some TLC and a nice garden location and it should straighten out and make you proud in a few years.

A deep hole, wide, well fertilized...with good, healthy soil should reward you...eventually.

Robecology Level 9 Sep 30, 2020
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