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It seems that my Coleus plants have an alluring taste to the local stray cats.
I don't know what the plants exude from their leaves but I just found one very ' high' tomcat happily licking at the leaves, it absolutely NO notice of me, its eyes were quite wide and staring as if into blank space, there was saliva dripping from its mouth and when chased it away from my veranda its gait resembled a Drunk trying his hardest to walk in straight line.

Triphid 9 Feb 28
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[] Coleus are poisonous to cats...

What is Coleus Poisoning?
The coleus plant can be poisonous to your cat, even if it simply brushes up against the leaves or flowers. Coleus contains an essential oil toxic to cats and dogs, which can cause skin irritations and burns if not diagnosed and treated right away. Additionally, if your cat eats any part of this plant, it will also develop gastrointestinal symptoms. The poisonous oils from this plant can also cause respiratory depression or slowed breathing, which can be potentially fatal to your pet.

Symptoms of Coleus Poisoning in Cats
The essential oils in a coleus plant are quickly absorbed into your cat’s system, allowing it to become very sick very quickly:

Loss of appetite or anorexia
Vomiting (may be bloody)
Diarrhea (may also be bloody)
Pawing at the skin of the face and mouth
Skin redness is visible underneath cat’s fur
Burns on facial skin, tongue and gums
Cat is physically weak
Body tremors
Cat walks with difficulty
Lethargy and physical weakness
Hypothermia (low body temperature) after ingestion of a large amount of coleus)
Breathing difficulty

Well, that's bad luck for the Stray cats, I will NOT be up-rooting my Coleus plants just for them.

@Triphid Perhaps you could put something in front of the plants or plant something that cats don’t like in front of the coleus? It’s a terrible death for the kitties otherwise.

@Redheadedgammy No, Bugger those nasty native animals, birds and reptiles murdering mongrel cats, my yard IS my yard, my Gardens ARE my Gardens and my home is a Sanctuary for Native birds, etc, and IF those dumb felines want to commit suicide by Coleus then who am I to stop them?

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