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I noticed that some of my snow drops had begun to show so I cleared some of the thicker snow cover(we had 3ft deep snow in places last week) over another garden with spring bulbs(the covered snow drops were popping up as well). In process I uncovered my mum from last fall and found green! The dirt is still mostly frozen in the pot so I moved it to the south part of the garden for a bit more sun for an hour or so this afternoon then moved it to a shaded area. How is it still alive? At least it apprears to be alive... very curious.

Donna_I 8 Mar 6
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Mums are hardy as can be, and can survive even in a pot outside in winter. I had one in Nebraska that I left in the pot for two years, through winters and it always came back each spring. 😉

I have never had this happen before. Very cool! Do I need to do anything to help it along?

@Donna_I Since it’s starting to warm up just keep some mulch up around the pot to help the roots get warmed up and watch for new growth. That’s what I always did and mine came back every spring.

@Redheadedgammy thanks!


Mums can be wintered over in your zone. Mulch well in the winter. Keep it dormant.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 6, 2021

That, to me, is the amazing bit as the only mulch it had was a pile of snow!

@Donna_ snow is considered prime mulch/protection! We have a lot of trouble here lately because of very sporadic & fleeting (if at all) snow cover, the drying effect of cold winds without a snow "overcoat" causes a lot of death & damage

@Donna_I Orchards in the sunbelt are sprayed with water. The frozen h2o is buffer against harsh, drying, near zero F winds . It is an icy insulation. but warmer than what is raging on the outside of the ice enclosure. Nature is adaptive. Give it time & it finds the way. I try not to ever fight nature. But it occurs as I live in the what once was the frozen tundra & have to heat the house.


They are tough! Mine bloomed just as our snow melted.


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