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Hey, blossoms! Looks like I will get a few boysenberries this summer. Not a lot, because the four little starts I planted just a year ago are still establishing, but I am excited anyway.

By contrast, the four southern raspberries I planted the same spring have already turned into a thicket!

I have very fond memories of my grandpa's amazing boysenberry patch out in Oregon. That was over thirty years ago. Similarly, my mom had a raspberry patch and made raspberry shortcake for us every summer. I feel like I planted a bit of childhood! 🤗

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Mar 28
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Yummy boysenberries. I remember a vacation and boysenberry milkshakes 😋

Heidi68 Level 8 Mar 29, 2021

Having grown up and remained in Oregon, I still feel guilty at the blackberry vines I have to cut back away from my back fence line. There are still plenty to pick!


I can't do the gardening as I used to do , so hired the kid next door to help me get things set up this year , especially after the horrible freeze we had this year . Clipped off things that had died , did a lot of weeding , put in Miracle Grow potting soil , in the areas that needed more soil , and even got a few plants in the ground . Got a long ways to go ,yet , but it's a good start !

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 28, 2021

My love of gardening was fostered by my grandparents as well. They had a vegetable garden every year and a good sized apple and pear orchard. Blackberries and elderberries grew wild as did with poke greens on their 24 acres in northern Ohio. My grandmother grew up on a farm in West Virginia from the age of 7. No roads bordered this farm in the 1950's when my parents married. They had to drive up a dry creekbed to get there. My grandmother hated it and left to go to high school. She left West Virginia as soon as she could get out and went to northern Ohio. She still retained her enjoyment of fresh produce right from the garden.

RussRAB Level 8 Mar 28, 2021

Just received my blackberry plants, thornless ones! They are in the greenhouse window, looking real happy!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Mar 28, 2021

Yay! Me too. Maybe next year we will both have blossoms on those, too. What variety did you get? Mine are Ouachita (upright bush) and Triple Crown(semi-trailing.)

@MikeInBatonRouge I am planting mine in 2 tractor tires so I got a smaller variety.
Just me going to be eating them, they are supposed to bear 2-3 crops per year once they get going. I was stunned to find out how HUGE some varieties can get!
And how embarrasing icannot find the was a Guerney's exclusive this year.

@AnneWimsey Sounds good. Thornless? Two of mine are bush variety and are supposed to be about 5x5 ft at maturity. Those two I stuck in plots close to other garden plants. My semi-trailing vines are called Triple Crown, also thornless, but supposedly reeeeally vigorous, so those are planted on their own separate part of the yard, actually separated from most of the garden by the driveway, to reduce chance of them invading everywhere. Bramble berries root easily, too, so it is easy to expand the patch over time.

@MikeInBatonRouge i considered Triple Crown because of its' compact size, until i saw this compact variety that promises a second or third crop "despite heat". We always have a 6-8+ week spell here where the heat & humidity is Blistering. Oh, & definitely thornless....I am clumsy beyond belief! They are going into 2 tractor tires with lots of rocks in the bottom for good drainage, and no escape!

@AnneWimsey Now I'm curious what you ultimately bought, lol. Three crops!

@MikeInBatonRouge Apparently i got Triple Crown too, after talking to a gal at Gurneys...i think she told me it was more suited to the Northeast than their featured one.. just got an email from Gurney's asking if want to buy more! They are looking Very perky! But Gurney's kills me with shipping charges, i will be getting the strawberries to ring them from the local garden center. I figure the strawberries can dress up the expanse for a couple years, then I can move them to a raised bed, or horse trough, or something else i find

@AnneWimsey Wow! It is certainly a popular recent variety. But check your info again about it being compact. I read just the opposite and have planted mine where they can spread some. I guess they do great grown vertically, and then they CAN be compact. Get a tall trellis and a ladder. 🤗

@MikeInBatonRouge wow,I had a Huge discussion with their gal on their infoline, exactly where I was planting them, etc. I wanted low-ish growing, because the tires are about 18" high already.....maybe i need a jungle gym?!Or,I could planting them in the ground elsewhere & go back to researching smaller plants. The video was great, thanks!
I foresee heavy-duty electrical conduit in my future.......I think a "tepee" effect in each tire might work?

@AnneWimsey Best wishes. I am not picturing your space you have to work with exactly. I made a 16 by 4 ft bed and stuck two plants in it. They look tiny now, but I anticipate them outgrowing that, lol. Mine get only full morning sun, which may cut down on yield, but blackberries are much more tolerant of varied conditions than are many other berries, especially blueberries.

You might check out Ison's mailorder orchard nursery. That is where I bought mine and both the other more compact variety I have. They have a variety. My other is Ouachita, which supposedly grow to about 5 ft. One thing about the thornless varieties is most seem highly resistent to rosette disease, which is spread by polinators where there are wild southern blackberries, and I have lots of those.


My mother's mother had gooseberries on her farm, those were very sour berries. I remember picking and eating a few of them. Good memories.

My grandma used to make gooseberry jelly,my favorite!!!!

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