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World Naked Gardening Day is May 1st in it’s 16 year!!!


of-the-mountain 9 Apr 30
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I missed it this year...damn.

KateOahu Level 8 May 6, 2021

Not a good day to work in the Rose garden or the Blackberry patch - unless you grow one of those thornless varieties. But even then ....

RussRAB Level 8 May 1, 2021

False advertising, hats and gloves are clothes.

Sure, if you're gunna be all Harry Potter about it! 😉


I love the concept, but the practice might be more about saggy wrinkles and misquito and fire ant bites in unfortunate places. 🦟🐜🐝🕷️😨

Right there with ya, except I've been awfully modest most all of my life. Plus, I don't want to spend the night in jail. I live on a corner and my back yard isn't completely screened from the street. Children also live on the street and I wouldn't want to scar their psyches.

@RussRAB lol. I always imagine such events as some kind of locally organized deal with tacit approval of the local authorities, just like naked bicycle day events.

I also used to be quite shy about my body. Less so now at 53, but that is in public locker room type settings. Out in PUBLIC public, I don't even want to jog shirtless, because....well, my skin and mucsle "tone"(to use the term loosely) is that of a 53 year old.

Indoor gardening is always more controllable. I grow my crop in the basement for that reason.

@MikeInBatonRouge - Well, I at 64 have a few years on you and I have more than a few extra pounds to contend with. At some point, I realized that with some very notable exceptions, most of us tend to look better clothed than not (just my opinion). I for one am content not to show all my lumps and bumps, wrinkles and folds to any and everyone. Others may feel differently and that's fine too.

@OldGoat43 - If I had a basement, I could probably get into the Nude Gardening Day. Just no one else would know about it.

@RussRAB . Not really, I'll be 78 years old in July.


Cool, showers and clouds here - why isn't this celebrated in July??

Because it would be 110°F here in the desert in July and nothing is growing, save for cotton, then.


I don't think most gardeners will look like these specimens.

BDair Level 8 Apr 30, 2021

Who cares?


My fence isn't high enough for that.

Donna_I Level 8 Apr 30, 2021

We have snow in the forecast tonight, enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey but not this gardener.

Surfpirate Level 9 Apr 30, 2021
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