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Flowers surviving our monsoon Spring. This year's Asiatic Lily, Nasturtium in the same pot with the lilies but facing the opposite direction, Daylilies, and my Mister Lincoln Rose decided to bloom. I've been concerned about the rose with all the rain we have been having. @Glennlab had mentioned our monsoon rains in another post, and it has been like that here. The last 2 pictures are from my from yard next to the fron walkway and the sidewalk across the front of my house. This was why I wanted to grow the rose in a container. It would at least need a raised bed. The picture of the Daylilies doesn't show the rain damage on the flowers. The last of the irises had the same flower damage, but now, some are showing signs of too much water. And the leaves are starting to yellow along the edges.

RussRAB 8 May 26
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Lovely! I am trying to find flowers that will survive our brutal summer. So far, all I can come up with is Cosmos.

KateOahu Level 8 May 26, 2021

Marigolds should withstand the heat and I believe Vinca holds pup pretty well also. Other than that, I try to do most of my gardening Spring and fall. Of coarse, I love irises which can withstand higher temperatures, but typically only bloom in the Spring.

@RussRAB I live in the desert, where it can be 100°F at midnight in August, and no humidity.

@MsKathleen - That would be a challenge. I grew Marigolds during the summer on a South facing wall in Moreno Valley, California which is essentially desert. May not have been quite as hot as you describe, but daytime temperatures were well over 100 for extended periods of time and no rain. They did receive water every morning from a drip system. Agapantha was planted by the builder and they grew well as well.

Do you have a nursery near you? Checking with them might give you some ideas.


Great photos, and it looks like things have survived even if damaged. I have heard about your rains this spring, we have had an exceptional spring in the UK, with very cold weather and frosts every night for a month longer than usual. And now it rains. Still there is still time for some summer yet.

Fernapple Level 9 May 26, 2021

Looks like survival to me!

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