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As I walked to the mailbox yesterday, I noticed the aged Red Flame Jacaranda down the street was blooming (first photo), although not as profusely as usual. And, I wondered when my young tree would bloom for the first time. Upon returning home, I spotted a few blossoms in my tree (last two photos), and it brought me joy. When the ugly ficus that resided in this location became diseased four years ago and had to be removed, I specifically chose the Red Flame Jacaranda because of the beautiful aged one down the street. I hope next year mine will have a full bloom.

KateOahu 8 May 31
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Congratulations on your googlewhack, you've just invented "red flame jacaranda". Jacaranda have pale purple/ blue flowers.

My arborist says it is a Red Flame Jacaranda.



bobwjr Level 10 May 31, 2021

Ain’t nature GRAND!


Beautiful, and I'm sure yours is taking hold to carry on well! That must be related to "Silk/Mimosa Trees" that grow here - the Fabacaea family?

I do not know. My research indicated that the Red Flame Jacaranda is not a Royal Poinciana, but the flowers in this article look like the ones on my tree. So, I do not have a definitive answer to your question. I WILL say, I have never seen a Red Flame Jacaranda have as many blooms as a Royal Poinciana. []. Maybe we have an arborist here who can illuminate us all?

I thought the same thing when I was looking at the photos.


We call them Royal Poincianas - I think...and what I've been told is that the percentage of flowers blooming is a direct result of the winter and spring rains. Plenty of rain = good blooming....too much or too little causes too few.

Robecology Level 9 May 31, 2021

I believe you are right about the amount of water. Since they built a new subdivision nearby, our water pressure has gone down. All the landscaping is suffering, because the irrigation is set up for better pressure. My tree was not doing well, so I started supplemental watering...maybe that is why I got blooms. There is another young tree in the opposite direction from my house that is about two years older than my tree, that has no blossoms. But, you are not correct about it being a Royal Poinciana. []


Is that the same as a Royal Poinciana?

MizJ Level 8 May 31, 2021

No. []

@MsKathleen Thank you. Both trees grow here, will post a pic of my yellow poinciana when it blooms.


Beautiful! My parents had a blue Jacaranda tree in the back yard of their California home. I'd love to have one, but it would never live here in Texas.

RussRAB Level 8 May 31, 2021

Way cool!!

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