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Twice a year.... spring & fall.... we do.

bigpawbullets 9 July 9
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Nice avenue.
In this land of warmongering sobs every town of more than 20 that existed 116 years ago who sent their boys off to fight for the great British Commonwealth & had deaths to mourn usually has an avenue of honour to commemorate those dead. One tree for each hero. Sadly in some places the trees number in the thousands and represented a huge loss to the local population. I know - despite my father being the youngest of 15 I am the last white nameholder as most of his brothers were killed & his sisters remained spinsters because of the lack of men.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 10, 2021

Wow Bear. That's a very sad story.

@bigpawbullets 40 million dead - it sure is a very sad story.



Always wise to plant trees; but don't think that you're doing much to help global warming. trees cover at most 40% of the land...which is only 30% of the entire surface of "Earth" (actually - then - a misnomer for our planet). 40% of 30% is only 12%.

Robecology Level 9 July 9, 2021

Well Rob, I'm doing what I can.

@bigpawbullets So you are among the few who are "Always wise to plant trees"....and I thank you for the post and the effort...

I just hear/read too many that suggest that tree planting is a solution to the huge buildup of CO2 happening....and I am compelled to put on my "teacher" hat and try to make folk aware that it's the oceans we need to protect and preserve far more importantly than the forests and trees. Sorry.


Five out back , two on the side , and two out front . Done !

Cast1es Level 9 July 9, 2021

What if you like deserts???

Cactus? Plant anything endangered in that ecosystem.

@bigpawbullets what if I don’t want cactus? Just desert.

@CourtJester pavlova?

@FrayedBear needs another ‘s’, but mmmmmmmmmm

@CourtJester Check what you post.


@CourtJester Lol at my cognitive blindspot, one of many!

@FrayedBear I have several myself. Spelling can be one. I actually looked it up to be sure for myself rather than pointing out fault. .

@CourtJester My only excuse for "check what you post" was that I had just driven 400 klms on a less than perfect weather day and was still stressed from city traffic. Fortunately the last 70klms was through my favourite mountains with nearly zero traffic and that rapidly got out of my way.

@FrayedBear Mountain riding is always the best.

@CourtJester fortunately none of those around. I have never driven one. My brother however did for 30 years & taught the London police how to ride them. He was instantly killed nearly 25 years ago when another motorcyclist hit him head on. He had more qualifications after his name than there are letters in the alphabet. I'll stay in my 19 year old Mitsubishi thanks - its quieter!

But yes I do, & did yesterday enjoy a similar road. We drive on the left however.

My favourite trip was 100 klms or so on the C545 from Colac Colac to Omeo in winter (see photo). The road is unsealed most of the way, corrugated & frequently had hundreds of feet drop through the forest down to the valleys below. Unmelted Snow was still in shady parts of the road 6' high. I saw 2 cars & 1 motorbike the whole distance. Both vehicles went by without a wave let alone slowing down!


I only plant one per year. This year I planted a Moringa. From a seed. It will be a while.

KateOahu Level 8 July 9, 2021
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