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Rainy day here in the Miami Valley. I've harvested asparagus, towards the end of the season, and Basil at the beginning of the optimal basil season.
Beat the latest squall by about 8 minutes!! Now on to making some pesto, and preparing a veggie basket for the houskeeper.

bigpawbullets 9 July 10
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Sounds like a productive day despite the rain! Harvesting your own asparagus and basil must be so satisfying, especially when you get to enjoy the freshness and flavors in your dishes. I love using fresh basil in pesto—it adds a burst of aromatic goodness. By the way, have you heard about purple basil? I recently read an article about the benefits of purple basil, like its high antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties. It's pretty cool how herbs can offer both taste and health perks. Keep enjoying your gardening adventures, and happy cooking! Oh, by the way, I'm new here on the forum.

Izamarfeat Level 3 June 1, 2023

Does anyone grow Shiso ? My Japanese friends tell me it's easy. I've tried 3 times and can't get the seeds to germinate. I heard the seeds need to freeze before planting. I'm trying that my next time.

BethPl Level 5 July 13, 2021

Wow , never hear about gardening in Miami .

Cast1es Level 9 July 10, 2021

The Miami Valley is in Ohio.


Not growing anything here in the desert. Currently 110°F…and rising.

KateOahu Level 8 July 10, 2021

1.75 inches of rain today in Omaha. I had basil in the raised bed gardens the last few years, and last year the bunnies decimated the basil. This year I planted the basil on the deck in pots, and I have a bumper crop. I think I over planted. Have made pesto 3 times so far, and might well be making more pesto soon. Of find another use for alllll that basil.

I've been making pesto of various concoctions and giving both pesto and fresh basil away to the neighbors. Soon they'll stop answering their doors.

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