4 3

LINK Do you have a glossy green front lawn? What is this, the 1950s?

Well ain't we Americans headed in that direction. 1950's reprise. Joe McCarthy on the horizon. A commie under every bed. Please minimize the lawn thing.

Mooolah 8 Sep 21
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I have pasture for my horse but I am working to get the rest of my cleared land back natural except for small areas for my yorkies to potty.

Heidi68 Level 8 Sep 23, 2021

A reminder of the past number of years in the PNY. Believe it or not this is a drought area during the summer. In the past the county has forbidden watering lawns. Some enterprising people came up with the idea of painting lawns and people do it. In this area the grass goes dormant (like in the video) and doesn't grow so one or two applications will do it. Unfortunately, I have to mow my large lawn (no riding mower) several times in spring and early summer but watering it is insane.

JackPedigo Level 9 Sep 22, 2021

One might reduce the size of the mowed area. Redesign? Mulch ie bark, gravel instead of lawn? Hope the paint/dye is eco friendly.

@Mooolah Any such product here must be eco friendly.


So , if the east coast home owners , suddenly all stopped watering their lawns , does that mean the water will put out the fires burning in California ? Or if the lawns are watered , does it then evaporate back into the air and drift as clouds westward , where it then is recycled into the drought stricken areas of the west ? The Great Depression was brought on by a major drought initiated by digging up the prairy grass , which had deep roots , and planting food crops , which didn't , that caused the drought , and the top soil blew away . They need to plant trees in the west , to restart the climate controlled cycle . It's really easy to blame everyone else for your own mistakes . Plant things to improve climate control .

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 21, 2021

If there is plenty of H2O watering a lawn is no big deal except for the bill. Rain does not drift west due to the jet stream moving eastward. It is the drought stricken that need to empty the swimming pools & stop the obsession with the lawn. Culture must evolve or perish.


Nope gave up the lawn addiction years ago. Grass is the most time, money and carbon wasting form of garden there is, and also the most dull and boring. But that I think is the secret of its popularity, it is dull, so you don't have to think, and if you don't have to think, you can't be caught getting something wrong, it is gardening for cowards who are even afraid of public opinion. Bet all lawn owners go to church too.

Fernapple Level 9 Sep 21, 2021

I love your ideas here, though in the (perhaps)uniquely lawn-obsessed U.S., it is probably a bit of a stretch to tar all lawn-obsessed with the same accusation. Culturally the whole damn' country has been massively campaigned to for decades to convince us that golf course-precise mono-culture lawns are a mark of virtuous personal character, as well as the key to happiness and social popularity. We even have ordinances and HOA rules mandating that people prioritize these insanely impractical and wasteful lawns. I have never loved the lawn, but it is hard also to blame lawn obsession entirely on failures in the characters of individuals.

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