7 14
  1. There is something alive, down on the ground in my garden. 2. Problem solved, terminated.
Fernapple 9 Oct 23
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Something alive could have been the last baby Tasmanian tiger.

Mooolah Level 8 Nov 5, 2021

Cats are master predators & millions of wildlife perish at their prowess. My neutered, Zoot Suit, exits the dog door. He has a collar with bright orange hazard tape circumnavigating it. Birds see color. He also has a semi loud bell to warn the rodents. He usually brings me live prey as a baby rabbit & garter snakes. No birds at all. He did stalk a blue heron yesterday. The magnificent bird took to flight. The rodents are natures predator food. Abundant. Always chewing something. Carry plagues when too abundant. Remember Hanta Virus. So rodents are in check here. Those pesky viruses always trying to out maneuver us. Natures revenge upon the "virus with shoes". But then my garden is for the wildlife. "Mother nature is on the run". Neil Young
But Neil & I are in North America.

Mooolah Level 8 Nov 5, 2021

He is a "tuxedo cat" also. Always dressed to kill. =0}

I don't keep a cat of my own. The one in the photo is from next door, they are lovely animals but the effects they have on wildlife is too much.


You have a cat to 'terminate' garden intruders, I have Joanna the Goanna she turfs unwanted pest out of the gardens IF they are not edible and even scares door-knocking Religio-tards away if she gets half a chance.

Triphid Level 9 Nov 5, 2021

Wonderful. Does she have a sister ?

@Fernapple Not as far as I know BUT she has something that seems to attract the male goannas in from the bushland around town.

@Triphid All females have that. LOL

@Fernapple Yes but goannas usually only range around for half a mile to a mile and never come in to a town or city unless there's a drought and food and water are very hard to find.


The cats I've had were never all that interested in rodents. They did go after flying things both insects and birds. I kept ringneck doves for a while many years ago. I had them out of their cage one day when the cat we had jumped over 6 feet to bat one out of the air. Fortunately, the bird wasn't harmed and we got the cat away so no other incidents.

RussRAB Level 8 Oct 23, 2021


FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 23, 2021

Haha! Keep doing your job mr. Kitty!

Zoohome Level 8 Oct 23, 2021

Cats are great predators for voles, mice and other small rodents. Unfortunately...they're very good at killing many bird species as well.

Robecology Level 9 Oct 23, 2021

The main victims with me tend to be the harmless shrews, which I find left for dead all over the garden.

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