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Excellent spring gardening weather today! Considering I have significantly neglected things here for the past month, the plants seem fairly content. ❣️
The Stokes asters are starting to bloom.
The coral honeysuckle never fully stopped but is accelerating now, and I have spotted hummingbirds nearly every day I have taken some time to quietly watch from a distance. I just never have the camera ready when it counts.
The roses, too, are starting to take off.
This site likes to throw my pics clockwise 90%, so a head tilt may be necessary. Sorry.

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Apr 9
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My last pea harvest of the spring. Green beans and peanuts are going in here for the summer.


You're a couple of weeks ahead of us in Dallas, but I'm getting significant new growth on most things. My blue bells are blooming and they are normally the first things to bloom each year.

glennlab Level 10 Apr 9, 2022

Hey Glenn, those passion vine cuttings you sent me last year have done really well and are battling for supremacy of my chopped crape myrtle tree that I decided to use as climber scaffolding. The Passion vines are holding their own, though I won't see much of blooms for a while. Meanwhile, Peggy Martin is gearing up with masses of flower buds.

@MikeInBatonRouge You should start seeing gulf frittillary butterflies and larvae soon. The caterpillars are bright orange with what look like black spikes. They won't hurt the passion vine, and actually help it grow by forcing it to produce more poison against other insects. The new vines may pop up as much as 30 feet from the main plant. Just mow them. You will probably get fruit this year.

@glennlab oh yeah, I had seen "tons" of gulf fritillaries flocking to the zinnias in my yard the past two years. That was part of the reason I wanted passion vines in the first place.


Main rose bed


Winter leaf lettuce hanging in there(the bright green in the background), though looking like it wants to bolt.

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