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Anyone interested in chipping in on some land (20 acres, 40, more?) and escaping this crazy society? I'm envisioning a small off-grid community of private homes, a community garden, a water source, solar/wind/hydro systems, and a workshop/barn. We could have privacy from one another, while working together on community projects.This would not be like a hippie commune, but a place for residents to invest in a new way of life.

This isn't a completely unique concept, but many of the existing "intentional communities" seem to involve religion/spirituality somewhere along the line. It would be cool to find some friendly, like-minded (non-delusional) people that want to be more independent from today's unsustainable and unstable culture.

I live in Colorado and have seen the effects of climate change getting more severe (high temps, drought, and wildfires). I'd like to choose a region that is expected to avoid some of the most extreme changes predicted. Sound good?

suesue2222 5 Aug 6
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Cut me off a slice of that.

CallMeDave Level 8 Dec 28, 2023

Already did it on my own....sort of, but without the burden of people. Israel is successful with Kibbutz but most do not succeed due to the eventual infighting & upkeep. Jim Jones anyone?

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 7, 2022

I own land in Colorado seeking to find the clean, dry, air for my lung issues. That was prior to the 22 year drought, fires, dust, pine beetle, water shortage etc. I also have property close to water as a back up & currently the air is better in Wisconsin than Colorado which had some of the worst currently. NE or the NW are a 3rd choice depending on the weather changes & politics. Wisconsin was once a progressive state until the flatlanders arrived in the real estate boom of the 80's & 90's. Boomers were in their 30,s & the tech boom was making them wealthier. The farther south you go the cheaper the properties. The farther from an urban center the cheaper the prices. Go were you like the weather & can survive it.

I hear you, but there are ways to make it work. Other intentional communities that know the ropes are usually willing to share what they've learned, which would def be helpful. Also, I would want to allow a lot of space for people's private lives and not micromanage.

@Mooolah Thanks for your insights. Yea - it looks like the Northeast or the Midwest are expected to be less impacted by extremes (and good for precip for growing food). You were smart to buy a couple properties in diff areas.

@suesue2222 Just heard a piece on NPR about Vermont (New Hampshire is cheaper but right wing in politics). That Vermont folks are very respectful of privacy & tend to "leave each other alone" as long as are no violations the peace. Hurricanes are a factor & winters are winter-like. I am thinking of a 3rd option in another country. Scotland? Switzerland? New Zealand?

@Mooolah how are Vermont and New Hampshire so close together, mirror images of each other, yet so differently bent politically?

@CallMeDave Vermont is wealthier & thusly more educated? Just a speculation, I have not done any research. Wealth does not equal an educated mind. But access to education is often a factor.


I have looked into communities like this. To join one one has to be rich enough to own the house or apartment and also participate in the upkeep of the place. Way beyond my abilities, an I could help build the place.


I have dreamed of a project like that, but now I think I'm too old to go pioneering.



Do you have any experience in permaculture, living off the land, growing your own food, designing and maintaining solar/wind and hydro power systems? IF you do then that sounds great and if you don't then it sounds like a set up for Lord of the Flies.
Yes I have acreage and yes I know how to do all of those things but NO I do not want to be involved in your project BUT I do wish you the best of luck with your plans.
Wolves run in packs and can work communally but most people have been raised to be sheep and I think we all know what Wolves eat.

SnowyOwl Level 8 Aug 6, 2022

I probably didn't word it correctly, but this post is basically looking for people willing/able to invest in buying acreage or bringing something significant to the place (like expertise or other value). It wouldn't be a hippie commune for wayward souls who can't contribute.


Outside the US?

MizJ Level 8 Aug 6, 2022

Unfortunately, no. I can't pull that off because I have pets that wouldn't want to travel overseas.

@suesue2222 Pets can be flown on airplanes just like people 🙂


What kind of regions are expected to avoid the extremes?

skado Level 9 Aug 6, 2022

It looks like some states in the Northeast and some in the Midwest.

Very interesting, thanks.


Too bad you didn't ask that forty or fifty years ago.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 6, 2022
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