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black oil is full of's not fossil fuels you have been lied to again

1patriot 8 Nov 19
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Next spring cover your field in crude oil to test your theory, you won't like the results.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 19, 2023

Already happen 15 years ago on an alfalfa field at tilley Alberta a oil well had a leaking pipe with high wind and sprinkled it over about 80 acres of land. .the oil company had to pay damages ....the farmers field had a bumper crop of alfalfa.....i know if you put it on to thick nothing grows...fertilizer does the same thing i have any area i spilled 11-52 phosphate 10 years ago still nothing grown there...


Believe half of what one sees, & none of what one hears....or read on the internet. Or revisionist history. How does one know after "The people want to know if I am a crook. Well. I am not a crook." Richard Millhouse Nixon. Spend one's entire life chasing the "truth", when there are somewhat reliable sources that have done that for us. The truth is we as a species have committed genocide, femicide, religious persecution, human sacrifice, infanticide. All kinds of cide. Own it humanity & evolve towards peace & balance. Since I believe most of our universal woes occurs in our relish for power, & the competition for resources as a species ie the Super Bowl, Ukraine, I submit the fault lies MOSTLY with the Y chromosome carrying population. With little checks on our reproduction except perhaps warfare competition, disease, natural disasters, we as a species predate upon ourselves. I am pleased the sperm count has fallen 50% since the 1950's ( if I am not mistaken), as reported in Discover Magazine, Smithsonian, Scientific American etc.. years ago. With a few exceptions men must compete whether it be on the pugilistic sports of boxing, hunting, football, chess, Call of Duty. Or with despondence I say, the real thing. My bug out kit is ready.

Mooolah Level 8 Nov 19, 2023

And I should care why?

because we are lied to again and again....but i really don't care if you give a shit or not....just like you don't give a fuck about me.....i care for humanity as a whole care for your self, that's the differences between you and believe your government and your medical industry....

@1patriot your ASSumptions are astounding....just one tiny example: by Not following conventional wisdom, I have gotten off insulin, which I started in 2012, (i was pronounced Type II diabetic in 1992).

@annewimsey1 well maybe you should do something about it, fuck!

@1patriot can you neither read or understand? I just told you I Reversed the diabetes and no longer need insulin and your remark is just Stupid.

@annewimsey1 oh nice you changed you message to me....making me look like a dummy....nice job....well than you should be the first to say how they lie to us

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