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Gardening in the high desert. I decided to put my plants in these frames so I can cover them in case of hail. A couple years ago we had so much hail the snow plows had to clear the roads. So far the plants have not noticed they are in prison and are growing well

btroje 9 June 15
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Hail is very common here, too, but as it generally comes with strong wind from the Southwest the best protection is to have shelter from the wind on the windward side. Cages like that would need concrete slabs on top to keep them from blowing away here.

we must have more gravity here. these stay in place


Come hail or high water, you will be prepared!

MikeEC Level 7 June 15, 2018

hail yess


I thought maybe varmints at first.

How many of these do you have? What happens if you aren't home?

Do you ever let them out so they can run and play?

it rains so little here you usually see it coming. but I can leave the covers on if I am not going to be around. THe plants run and play on moonless nights

@btroje at least the get out every now and then 😉


Lol plant protective custody. Lol

Donto101 Level 7 June 15, 2018

Yes. I have a huge bird cage over some plants I value. Keeps the rodents from munching away.

Mooolah Level 8 June 15, 2018

Funny, I'm in western Kansas and we do see some hail. Sometimes BIG hail that takes out car windows, roofs and fence rails but the only time I ever saw hail so deep it could have used a plow, was when I lived in Albuquerque. It was at least 3-4" deep, people were driving like crazies. I had just been up to Sandia peak on my motorcycle and it missed me, I followed the storm into town. Stopped at my workplace which was closer and played pool until some of it melted as I wasn't thrilled by riding in it.

DotLewis Level 7 June 15, 2018

it must have to do with the abrupt change from mountains to plains.

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