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My new gardening motto:

"One Gardener's Weed Is Another Gardener's Groundcover"

MikeEC 7 June 28
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My motto Mary bury the weeds under cardboard and wood chips.

Donto101 Level 7 June 28, 2018

That reminds me of a sign my daughter got me for my garden shed. " Gardening the slowest of the performing arts"

freeofgod Level 8 June 28, 2018

Or tree, just sayin'...

CaroleKay Level 8 June 28, 2018

A few years ago, I had to cut down a redbud that was slowly dying. If I did not thin them out, I would have a Red Bud forest instead of a lawn. There is an area between the edge of the deck in the corner of the house that is landscape fabric covered by landscape rock. I let trees grow there until they are about 2 feet tall, then when I pull them out the roots (which grow on top of the landscape fabric) come out no digging necessary. I can then re-plant the tree elsewhere.


I was just trying to explain to my youngest that a weed is just a plant that is growing were you don't want it.

Yes, tell your son that a weed is like the hair growing out of grandpa's ears. It is hair just like what is growing on the top of your head, it is just growing from a place where no one wants to see it grow. ?


My gardening motto is

Got Milkweed?

Leafhead Level 8 June 28, 2018

I think you should propose that motto for the "Monarch Butterflies and Other Pollinators" group. It's a keeper!

I hope it doesn't piss off the Dairy Council or whatever. I'd love to have it as a bumper sticker.
I'd like to issue it as a bumper sticker

… And maybe for a mascot, you could take a close-up of a caterpillar with a "milkweed mustache."

Now that's taking the copyright thing way too far, but I LOVE it!!!

Yes, they are growing around my starw bale garden. I am not disturbing the plants to encourage the butterfly.

Good for you 🙂 Thank you for caring and doing your part to bring back the Monarch and it's habitat.




The war against weeds will never be won in my garden . I need a smaller garden .

Besalbub Level 8 June 28, 2018

That is blasphemy!! Gardens should never get smaller! Just wilder.

@HippieChick58 I'm not getting any younger . I will endeavor to persevere .


Like people?

@MikeEC LOL!! Yeah, pretty much!

@HippieChick58 ,
Shouldn't that be "wider" like people. ; )


That's my garden!

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