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A friend in Ecuador sent me this pic of his garden and I thought I would share it with you. He's a fellow Owl person and his house is named Owl House in spanish, my house is called Owls Perch; naming houses is something I got used to living in Bermuda where all houses have a name but most don't have a number.

Surfpirate 9 July 8
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This is what the Valley looks like as you approach it from the north, beautiful. The water that flows through the valley is loaded with minerals that are supposed to account for the large numbers of people who reportedly live past 100 years old. There are lots of 'interesting' people who have come to this place from all over the world, something for everyone and supposedly a hot bed of UFO activity as well, like I said 'interesting'.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 8, 2018

La Llorona....the weeper. A beautiful song. My favorite rendition is sung by Tish Hinojosa
Those cactus are very old & spectacular. I so enjoy cactus being a child of the mid west.

Mooolah Level 8 July 8, 2018

The house goes back to the late 1800's and was a bit of a basket case before Mick restored it, I expect the cactus were there when he bought the place 20 years ago.
La Llorona is supposed to bring bad luck to any who hear her wailing, some say she will drown you as she did her own children, it's complicated.


That's beautiful!!! Truly! How lovely to sit out there in the evening with wine..

Vilcabamba, Ecuador in the Valley of Longevity. Mick moved there to get off the smack and never left, been there about 20 years now.


Wish I could see a close up of his totum pole .

Cast1es Level 9 July 8, 2018

I used to have a better pic of it when he commissioned it a few years ago for Casa Lechuza, can't seem to find it at the moment.

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