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The first harvest of garlic from this morning, about 175 bulbs were ready to be pulled, washed and set out to dry in the sun. There will be at least two more harvests as the rest of the crop ripens.

Surfpirate 9 July 12
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I have a friend with over 40 acres in garlic, she hopes to be able to harvest next year. When did you plant those?

Those went in last October and I planted some more in early spring from the garlic I had through the winter which had started to sprout. It is a pretty good pest deterrent because of the odor and I will plant another 400 hundred this fall.

@Surfpirate That seems to be twice the growth rate as it is here but, that is to be expected when you don't get 6 months of winter, 5 of which can dip to minus 40C.

@HeathenFarmer 6 months and minus 40C, you must be in Wainwright, Alberta - named after a distant relative General Wainwright.


wow, how cool! Do you do garlic wreaths and braids?

I've made a few braids in the past, they are pretty easy to do if you are used to doing ropework and as an old Boy Scout Leader you do a lot of ropework.

@Surfpirate I knew some old boy scouts! I also have done macrame, so I know knots.

@HippieChick58 then it would be easy for you to do the braid as it is just a 3 strand braid.

@Surfpirate and I have daughters so I can do that in my sleep. Or used to be able to do it in my sleep 🙂


After an hour I moved the garlic to a well ventilated area in the back of my garage, too much sunlight will effect the flavour of the garlic but I needed to dry it fast after washing it to get the heavy clay soil off the roots. I left the clay on last year and it was a real pain to get off after it harden like rock.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 12, 2018

That’s a lot of garlic

Donto101 Level 7 July 12, 2018

Are you going to make hanging braids? I used to do that and sell them at Farmer's markets

I always do up a few hanging braids for friends and family, 8 to 10 to a braid.


I have to give it to you, you don't go part way!

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