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There’s been some hanky-panky cross-pollination going on behind my back.....

SkotlandSkye 8 July 12
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Don't stop them they may come up with the prefect squash.


Frisky little buggers 🙂

EricJones Level 8 July 13, 2018

So how did the squazinni taste?

Donto101 Level 7 July 12, 2018



In our school garden years ago, we had ‘watermelons’ - or so they appeared - that passed all the ‘ripe tests’ but were white and bland inside ... kinda like cukes! A good ‘teachable moment’ for learning about cross pollination among different species! ?

Justjoni Level 8 July 12, 2018

Oh how cool! The secret life of plants!


They may have frollicked in your peppers before they found the cukes! You might have hot pickles!! I have cantelope right next to my habeneros. I'm living dangerous ?

@MissKathleen I have bell peppers next to one of my three cuke trellises. Maybe I'm safe!? We'll find out.


Lol! Vegetables will be vegetables!

Donna_I Level 8 July 12, 2018

@MissKathleen thanks! 🙂


Interesting! You never know what funny business will go on between the rows.
Best squash I ever grew, complete accident. I got some free squash from someone, there were delicata squash, which were quite tasty. However, there was one I didn't use soon enough and it spoiled. I set it out on the porch, thinking I'd take to trash later. Instead it got knocked into the garden area and broken. I eventually picked up the remains and tossed.

Of course spring came and I had a couple vines (how it was ONLY a couple, I don't know) that came up volunteer. Didn't cross my mind what they were, a previous year I had volunteer watermelon, the ONLY watermelon that did any good. Anyway, left them to grow until I could be sure what they were. They grew then produced squash which looked pretty much like the delicata, perhaps a bit thick but the striped white/green skin. However, when I cooked the first one, I found instead of the smooth, tasty flesh of the delicata squash, It was the less flavorful, stringy flesh of the spaghetti squash. I was a bit disappointed but I used all of the hybrid with no regret.

DotLewis Level 7 July 12, 2018



Your bees , have gotten into your beer .

Cast1es Level 9 July 12, 2018

*rum 🙂

@SkotlandSkye Your bees are pirates , who plunder and ravage .

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