Anybody have a garden pond? Pictures?
Since my computer crashed & took all of my fabulous photos with it, I am off of photos. But I have an acre pond on the spillway tributary of the Des Plaines River water shed. It is infested with milfoil but supports wildlife just the same. Northern Pike, small mouth bass, Blue gills & sun fish, catfish like the Titanic. Used to have frogs galore but climate change has decimated them. They are virtually gone along with the junebugs. It is happening slowly. Observe & you will see the change. I certainly have.
I have a 1.25 acre trout pond does that count?
@Bendog I have no idea how many are currently in it last time i stock it I added 150 rainbows to the population. I will need to get pictures with my camera I have them on my phone but not a clue how to get them off.
@Bendog LOL, I'm serious and desperate, I have no memory space left and 100's of photosI want to put onto my Mac. I am going to have to get my 11 year old granddaughter to do it for me. I don't know where else to turn. Download programs from the internet; they don't work. I don't normally fish until August but I willcpost a picture of my loud mouth trout when I catch the first one. It is called catching, there is not a lot of fishing involved.
@HeathenFarmer , I'm glad I'm not the only one here who is technologically challenged.. I turn to my young gkids too.
@Bendog I discovered long ago that physical violence and electronic devises are incompatible, and with it the repair becomes replace, with something newer and more difficult to figure out.
@HeathenFarmer , I've never done that but the thought of smashing an uncooperative device is very appealing.
Posted by FrostyJim...I have enough room for a few good people.
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Posted by FrostyJim.