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Wildlife in the garden this morning, a doe with spotted fawn was wandering through the front flower garden this morning and after I took the pic of the two of them I noticed that there was a second spotted fawn following behind them, so twins.
Then out to the back vegetable garden to do a bit of watering and weeding only to find that the Raccoons had a corn feast last night and devoured half of my sweet corn, completely trashed it. I started half of my corn indoors this spring so it is several weeks ahead of the other half that I seeded in place, they left the younger corn alone so I may get something yet. I'm annoyed at myself because I was looking at that corn yesterday and thinking it was almost ready to pick, just a few more days and it would be perfect, I guess the Raccoons weren't that picky.

Surfpirate 9 July 21
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We used a couple of strands of electric fencing. Flagged with orange plastic tape it worked very well. The deer learn to stay away from it.

freeofgod Level 8 July 22, 2018

Raccoons proving that if you snooze you loose, glad those little buggers are not found around here.

I was thinking of live trapping some of the raccoons and releasing them off the island but I could send you a couple if you like, they make very interesting pets. 😉

@Surfpirate It is illegal to import wildlife into Alberta without a permit, I will have to preempt that shipping permit by filing a formal objection with the Ministry. There will have to be a hearing and I will most definitely appeal the decision to the courts, should the panel rule against. That will take years and by then the raccoon will have died of old age and you will need to start all over..

@HeathenFarmer Nothing to prosecute, I'm just going to set them loose inside a semi heading West, so they are migrating naturally, where they decide to get off is their business.

@Surfpirate Yes Calgary could use a few more, they have a growing problem now with them. I am 70 minutes north, no self respecting raccoon would want to leave the land of plenty and move to the sticks anyway.


We tried sweet corn the second year we lived here. My gentle, "live & let live" wife went out to pick HER sweet corn, and found that those cute racoons had devoured all of it. That evening, Linda''s out on the patio, dressed in black.... subsonic ammo in a 22 rifle with scope..... I adjourned to the den with a glass of wine. Next morning, a large plastic trash bag in our trash can..... tied securely shut.

I'm thinking about rigging a few homemade claymores with trip wires. That'll learn'em. 😉


Those deer are beautiful. Destructive but beautiful.

freeofgod Level 8 July 21, 2018
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