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I have had a very laid back day, woke up around 6 am and was having my first cup of coffee, checked out the site, you know trying not to miss anything, Said fuck it went back to bed got up around 12. I forgot to rig my back door so Thor could go out if he wanted, but he never bothered me, There he was just waiting for me, Still took his time going out.
So I just went to the garden picked some corn, just the best ones and a few other veggies, The rain has helped out a lot, things are coming back to life. All is well in Ken Riley's world. I love you guys and girls. the girls a little more. haha

kenriley 8 July 22
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Damn. You love the girls a little more. I guess older women are out of the question : ))

freeofgod Level 8 July 24, 2018

@kenriley , I was just picking on you. My gdaughters are to big to let me pick on them anymore!


Thats a pile of grub.


That corn looks AWSOME!
You're living the good life Ken!


There was a time in this world when what you did today was simply called 'Living'. Be Well

Surfpirate Level 9 July 22, 2018



Sounds like an idyllic day.

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