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Organic strawberries are the best???

Sheannutt 9 July 23
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If you have to spray all of those chemicals on one crop you would go broke, at best that is a may contain list and at the worst is fear mongering. I have a neighbour who grows between 40 and 60 acres every year of non-organic strawberries. He does not use any of those chemicals; they are grown in holes on black plastic sheets and receive soluble fertilizer through drip irrigation and on wet years may requirer one application of a fungicide.

@kenriley Agriculture is not that much different here than it is in the US, the chemical used are basically the same and the returns to the farmer are about the same. US farmers can no more afford to use all those chemicals on one crop than can Canadian ones. Chemical use is costly and rapidly eats up profits. There are about 50 chemicals listed there, the cost of application varies from about $11 to $200 per acre and there is still the other associated costs of tending and harvesting; do you really believe that there is enough money for the farmer in strawberries to justify the use of that many chemicals? Like I said this is at best a may contain list.


I don't know why people have such a difficult time staying away from pesticides. I've grown for years without chemicals and not had any problems.

freeofgod Level 8 July 23, 2018

Throw the left one in the Disposal

Leafhead Level 8 July 23, 2018

Agree. Ours aren't officially organic.... but no chemicals are used on them.

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