5 12

Ok I have decided the new rule isn’t going to be put in place. That rule would just be to restrictive. For example if someone wanted to make a post of the dinner they made from their garden and there was a meat in the dish it would go against the rule. And the other reason I liked to see the post of what people are doing in the and around their garden including fishing on their farms. If someone doesn’t like a post they can scroll past it.

Donto101 7 July 29
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Good I don't like rules much other than to endeavour to be kind and polite to others.


There's beginning to show signs of infighting amongst fellow atheists and agnostics. I don't like it.
Let us just agree that we are different and accept each other as we are.
Lest we have the theists that have made life so miserable for us begin to snicker.
Grow up people. It's 2018 and it's imperative that we continue to stick together. Only as a united front can we be heard.
But we got to be friends t.oo

Leafhead Level 8 July 29, 2018

You are 100% correct


I'm sure these are difficult decisions to make . You can't please everyone all the time . While I can understand her perspective , that she doesn't want to see the death of animals , not everyone here is vegan . In fact most likely the majority aren't . I would suggest she may want to start a vegan group ?

Cast1es Level 9 July 29, 2018

There is presently one for vegans and vegetarians


This is the rational approach. Thanks.


Sometimes the best rules are no rules. Thank you

CaroleKay Level 8 July 29, 2018

Guidelines are better than rules. ?

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