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I have decided to start a seed exchange/Plant with all the garden groups. It would be very helpful to get as much feedback on how you think the best way to do this.
For myself I would only be interested in only GMO free seeds or plants, But it doesn't have to limit others from sharing or exchanging their hybrid ,and GMO seeds or plants, if that's what they want.
If you will please comment on what your ideas are.

kenriley 8 Aug 20
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An heirloom section, non GMO section, perhaps an exotic section would be cool. Instructions on depth of planting, spacing, amount of sun, best one all that stuff would be helpful. It is a great idea. Might also some ideas on how to best preserve seeds-usually freezer


The only heirloom seeds I have are from an orange butterfly plant that I took from the wild about twenty years ago.

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 20, 2018

@kenriley , I've still got to draft a gkid to show me how this thing operates. Hopefully this week-end.


I don't see the need for the arrangement. Months ago I posted that I have heirloom black tomato seeds to share. Several members said they would like them and sent me their addresses as a private message, and I sent them the seed.

wordywalt Level 9 Aug 20, 2018

I believe I'd stick with natives, heirlooms, and non-GMOs.

@kenriley I agree, as long as recipients know what they're getting.


You would need the zones areas because not everyone's seeds are going to grow in that region. I am in zone 8 so that limits me to a lot of seeds from the southern areas.


With regard to some plants, indigenous region is very important. For example there are 100s of varieties of milkweed, one of the most beautiful being a tropical that in N.A. is implicated in the transmission of a deadly parasite for monarchs.
It's fine for the lower areas where it occurs naturally, but not up here.
Another example, I've got giant ironweed I'm currently fielding "rehoming" for on another forum. While it's a fantastic nectar plant should be kept in the locals where it occurs, because it's very "monstery".
Just thinking outloud before the coffee sets in.

Qualia Level 8 Aug 20, 2018

Excellent!;I am in Southwest Florida and have tons of seeds from our native plants

Meme0309 Level 5 Aug 20, 2018

I save my seeds too but only non-GMO heirloom seeds. I'm not sure how it would work if I had to send seeds by mail across the border to places outside of Canada.

Surfpirate Level 9 Aug 20, 2018

@kenriley Right now I am saving the seeds from a Sicilian Roma I got through a friend. Also some ground cherries that I thought I had lost last year but I found a lone plant had grown up through natural seeding.

@kenriley I use Seed Savers Exchange. You might want to check them out for some ideas.

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