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Does anyone have any experience with moss? I have successfully spread it around the north side of my house by transplanting (literally picking it up and setting it down elsewhere). I brought some into my classroom to grow as a live specimen for observation, but it just dried out. I try to keep it moist by watering and spraying, but when I come back after the weekend, it is brown and dry still... Any suggestions?

tdtallent77 4 Oct 22
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Different mosses need different conditions, without becoming a moss expert it is best to find moss to use which is growing in the sort of place you want it to grow. Not all mosses like it really damp for example, and if you look you will see that many grow in quite dry places and that they are quite different from the mosses which grow in marshes. The shred it and mix with yogurt as recommended by Cast1es really does work well.

Fernapple Level 9 Oct 23, 2018

growing up we were able to maintain it in a terrarium for years, growing it outside it needs poor soil, little to no sun, and lots of moisture

glennlab Level 10 Oct 23, 2018

I read sometime back that a gardener , wanting moss in their area , put some moss in a food processor along with yogurt , then spread the paste where they wanted to grow the moss .

Cast1es Level 9 Oct 22, 2018

I had never heard that. Interesting way to replicate them. Thanks


Shade. But I'm sure you know that.

freeofgod Level 8 Oct 22, 2018

I brought some from NC last October. I keep them inside a glass dome (glass tupperware upside down to be exact - yes, redneck glass dome). They are happy and healthy. I want to build a small water fountain and place the moss over rocks, while keeping a water flow beneath it. Maybe you should have some sort of constant water flow to it? Classrooms seem to be on the dry side.
I will take some pictures of mine tomorrow. They are also on indirect sunlight (under my carport)

Zoohome Level 8 Oct 22, 2018

Lol, I fertilized lawns for years and it was considered a weed, so I killed it.Maybe a terrarium type atmosphere would work.

mikebeed Level 7 Oct 22, 2018

Moss became a thing a few years ago. Cost about $20. a square ft years ago.

@freeofgod Wow, I couldn't give that shit away!

@mikebeed I know right.

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