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Our Ice cream banana tree was knocked over in the storm last night. So we have them hanging in our laundry room to ripen

Donto101 7 Nov 3
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I was horrified to recently learn that the majority of banana plants sold commercially as “ice cream” are not Blue Java but actually something else like Namwah. I bought two “ice cream” back in July and they are doing well but I suspect they are actually dwarf Namwah. Apparently “the real deal” Blue Java are hard to come by and you can’t tell for sure until they fruit.

The good news is Namwah are supposed to actually be better eating than Blue Java.... still I feel cheated.

This is a common topic of discussion amongst the banana enthusiasts at

Regardless- I wish you good eating.

GTrex Level 4 Nov 5, 2018

It's a good looking bunch.


Ouch! What is an ice cream banana tree?

A long time ago this type of banana was the common breed of the fruit on the shelf but it developed a blight and they started growing the longer more firm banana breed we know now. It is still rare to find the shorter softer and more flavorful Ice Cream breed.

@OldGoat43 Interesting! Now I want an ice cream banana.

I think the blighted banana variety you are thinking of is the Gros Michel, not ice cream.


Most commercially available bananas in the US are Grand Nain, which is a Cavendish cultivar.

@GTrex YES, Thanks


For those who Don't live in,climates conducive to bananas, let me clarify. The tree is not dead. The stalk broke, but bananas regrow from the roots each year. So it is not a tragedy, merely an annoyance. ?

My poor trees die back every year... then back ?

@Zoohome I used to have a "small" banana grove that took over my side yard. The root mass was huge. The chore of chopping up and disposing of the slimy, decaying, frost-bitten trunks every January was certainly a challenge. The tropical look the plants create is what makes up for it. .


Can you try and replant it or is it damaged beyond repair?

EricJones Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

No it is done the stalk snap almost in half

You can see there is no saving it

@Donto101 Damn.


You need to take them off to best ripen anyhow, just a shame they came off early.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 3, 2018

Sorry to hear that, but at least you saved some bananas.

AndiPandi Level 5 Nov 3, 2018
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