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Anyone knows this one? Edible ?

Zoohome 8 Nov 13
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Yes Armillaria Tabescens, I have recentlyblearned about this one. Mushroom Festival January 12th 2019 at Ravine Gardens State Park. I am making a slide show of over 500 mushrooms photographed, ? and documented that I found in the park. Also working on a booklet. Mushroom hunting Cam be addicting.


I collected the cluster. Took more pictures.
What do you think?
It seems to be ringless honey mushrooms (Armillaria tabescens)

Zoohome Level 8 Nov 14, 2018

@Shouldbefishing I just ate a small amount. 😐
lets see what happens... if you guys don't hear (read) from me by tonight, you can get worried. lol

It says its edible and delicious. But some stomachs can't handle. I hope I can, since its a huge cluster 🙂

@Shouldbefishing yes I am!!! No upset stomach or any uncontrollable situation. ?

@Shouldbefishing trim off the stem, wash the caps and boil it for 10 min.
After this procedure, I cooked with Ghee for another 10. I ate a small amount like that for lunch, since nothing happened, I repeated the process, add chicken and pasta for dinner. Success ??

@Zoohome How did it go, still with us?

@JackSampson oh yeah!! I wish I had found more. Next season. ?


whhoh sorry I tend ao stay away from mushrooms that arent from the shops

jacpod Level 8 Nov 14, 2018

I don’t know much about mushrooms. I can’t eat them they give me gout. So I just stay away from all of them

Donto101 Level 7 Nov 13, 2018

Too bad you can't eat them. I actually ate it and it was delicious.


A friend of mine showed some of these to me once and said they are called scrambled egg mushrooms. I'd look them up on Google before eating them.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 13, 2018

Oyster mushroom maybe? I wouldn't take the chance and eat it without a professional opinion. I know chanterelles will come back each season in the same spot. Around my area, it's a hobby for me to find mushrooms and try to identify them. I've only had success with one so far known to be psychoactive when ingested. We have the white cap or death cap mushroom here and it's very poisonous.

flower_nut Level 7 Nov 13, 2018

Is the white/death cap mushroom the one in the picture?

No sorry. It's a variety of fungus that keeps growing each year and consumed by the slugs. I discovered it early in the year and noticed new growth.
I haven't identified the white cap yet. This season wasn't very good for mushrooms.
All the mushrooms in these photos are unknown.

@flower_nut I have mushrooms growing all over the yard. I'm getting thing curious about it now. This community have so many mushroom enthusiastic.

I think mushrooms are so cool.
I know very little about them but enjoy them like bird watching.

@flower_nut ringless honey mushroom. Delicious.

Wow! Looks like you know your mushrooms. I agree now that you put a name to them. I think it would be helpful for me to purchase a mushroom guide. I have no intention of eating anything from nature unless I can identify it.
I like searching for them and especially look for chanterelles for the sake of finding them.
Glad you enjoyed them!


It looks like Chicken of the Woods which is edible and delicious but it is hard to tell from the pic. Colour looks right and the clumping but you really want to check the gills and the colour of the spores when you blot the underside of the fungus.

Surfpirate Level 9 Nov 13, 2018

are you field hunting edibles? jelly

BABSDAGGER Level 5 Nov 13, 2018

I was dropping off blood at the animal disease FL office.
This nice mushroom is right by them.

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