9 7

Anyone have any suggestions on fertilizer for marijuana? For soil, not hydro. We legalized it here in Michigan, so I’m gonna start growing. Thanks!

Flexymorals 7 Jan 2
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I would suggest a well aged compost/manure. Full sun and well drained soil. Consider growing in large ceramic flower pots. MiracleGro might make the plants grow too fast and not flower. There are a number of excellent seed sources in Europe.

ADKSparky Level 8 Jan 2, 2019

One book I read said not to use miracle grow, then somewhere else praised it. Home Depot had some all purpose organic miracle grow on clearance for a dollar, so I bought a bag but haven’t used it yet. If I don’t use it on this, I can always use it in the garden.

@Flexymorals Personally, I wouldn’t use anything that says miracle on pot plants. However, I do use some inorganic feet in my vegetable garden and MiracleGro on potted flowers. I use the depth of the leaf green color as my guide. Pot is a very hardy plant. Good luck.

3 is a great site for cannabis info.

Mooolah Level 8 Jan 2, 2019

It's probably similar to any other plant. Does the plant tend to like an acidic or alkaline soil? Research this and plan your fertilizer accordingly. I use compost with lots of egg shells.

SukiSue Level 8 Jan 2, 2019

Acidic. I’ve just started researching and I’ve read two books on it. Both said to fertilize, but neither have a suggestion on type of fertilizer, which I thought was stupid. If you’re writing a book on growing and say to fertilize, how hard would it be to just give a suggestion on type? Anyway, this is part of my research. Figured one of you heathens would know.

@Flexymorals composting pine needles is extremely acidic! Pile them up and mix them with leaves. let them bake in the sun and turn them over with a pitchfork every now and then. They'll be ready in a season. This is precisely what I use for my strawberries.

@SukiSue sounds good. I haven’t seen the sun in weeks, though lol

@Flexymorals hmmmmm... I see you are in Michigan. The snow might do the same thing. It will blanket the pile. Compost needs to "bake."

@SukiSue yeah we don’t have any snow either. It’s just dark, cold, and wet.

@Flexymorals same here.

@Flexymorals Same here in Syracuse

@ADKSparky crazy weather we're having!

@SukiSue We usually get 10 ft of snow a year. I hope it doesn’t all come in February

@ADKSparky I'm thinking rather than snowing from December through February... It's going to snow February through April? Which is really going to interfere with my lettuce and spinach planting!

@SukiSue I’m afraid so. But you can start the plants indoors.


I have been thinking that too.

Zoohome Level 8 Jan 2, 2019

Not kidding....... chicken shit. An old, now deceased chicken farmer here in N. Fl. used it to great success. Oh the stories I could tell......

Really? I can get tons of that! ???

@Zoohome Damn right.. he would dig a hole in the woods with a front end loader, go get a load of chickenshit, and throw it in, then plant. High in Nitrogen.

@Lop-Eared-Mule it's funny you say that and where you live by. We have a farm in St George, which is closer to Jax than to Live Oak; we always say that the grower did that. Everyone seem high at that farm, and all the houses were surrounded by wood/jungle.

@Zoohome Well it wasn't far from the Okefenokee, sooooo...that's about all I can say about that!!!!

@Lop-Eared-Mule it might be a regional agriculture method. ?

@Lop-Eared-Mule I wonder if peacock shit is similar. My dad raises those. Has like 12 of them. Shit everywhere at his house...


I have never grown it myself

Donto101 Level 7 Jan 2, 2019

I would suggest growing it in a number of containers and use a different fertilizer in each container and see which does the best. You'll have to use a neutral soil and treat each container the same or it will throw things off.

EricJones Level 8 Jan 2, 2019

Good humus with a couple of tablespoons of powdered eggshells added to it for each plant grown.

That’s an interesting one. I have a ton of chickpeas to make my own anyway. Thanks.


Fish emulsion was always standard where I’m from.

Hathacat Level 9 Jan 2, 2019

Does that stink? I’m growing indoors and I have a feeling that smells horrible.

@Flexymorals I don’t remember it being too bad, but never saw it used inside. Good dirt is good too.

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