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A book that will give you pause for thought no matter what your beliefs.
You can obtain a free e-copy of The-Environmental-and-Civilization-Crisis-and-the-Permaculture-Alternative at the following link:


FrayedBear 9 Jan 10
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Might be interesting but I have a BIG problem with anything that says: "Permaculture alternative which will allow us to reverse the current environmental crisis and inhabit this planet sustainably" Sustained growth is an oxymoron and if it doesn't address the real cause of our environmental ills - population growth - it is a lost cause.

JackPedigo Level 9 Jan 10, 2019

As I haven't read anything other than a recommendation to read it I cannot assuage your concerns. If concerned you will have to read it and draw your own conclusions.

@FrayedBear I will download it and as a gardener thank you for sending this (did you see the one I sent about computer driver agriculture?). Unfortunately, I have heard this story about life saving technology many, many times before and posted a TED talk about how technology is used to raise up the end of the exponential population curve. The formula for the Impact is I=PAT (population x activity x technology - often technology makes things even worse). Population demographics is the field that changed my life and got me away from religion.

@JackPedigo no I didn't see you post. How long ago was that?

@FrayedBear It was a couple of days ago. Here is the link. I also mentioned a guy who was a member of the Western Cascade Fruit Society. He had some 11 greenhouses and gerry rigged a heating system using old car radiators and an outside wood fired boiler. He grew fruits vertically in a double PVC tube system using a special soil mixture he devised. he also grew trees in plastic bags. He sold to some local stores and had fruit in the depth of winter. For many of us these new ideas are great and fun but they still cannot feed 7.5+ billion people (and counting). If we don't stabilize our numbers Mother Nature will do it for us (she has been trying and will eventually succeed).


Thanks so much.

AmmaRE007 Level 7 Jan 10, 2019

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