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After several months of masonry work, a first for me, I finally got 4 and a half cubic yards of topsoil delivered...a mix of standard planting mix and a formula just for roses. Delivered last Thursday, I spent 3 days shoveling, carting by wheelbarrow, and pruning and transplanting roses. Boy am I sore! ....but pleased with the result. I had enough soil left over to start a 5 X 5 ft raised planter box. I have a baby Satsuma tree that is eventually going in there, to be surrounded by some easy veggies. I can't wait to retire, so I have more time to garden! I just hope by then I can still manage it physically, lol.

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Jan 14
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Great Job!

Count Level 5 Jan 22, 2019

Looking good.


Looks great and the stone work can absorb and maintain some heat.

JackPedigo Level 9 Jan 15, 2019

Thanks! I just read that slugs actually like to hang out under the crevices in concrete....not exactly my goal, but I guess every material has its downside. At least it should last forever, and I can always put out something as slug bait if needed.

@MikeInBatonRouge I once made a raised bed using some plastic wood. I made a bed of cinder blocks and put the plastic wood on top. This gave me about 18" for soil. Here is a picture of a friend who made a bed using rebar stakes and then chicken wire over the rebar. She then put concrete on top (using gloves). She put a lot of this around her house and planted fruit trees. You could make the walls any height. It was an amazing set-up


Looks great.

Donto101 Level 7 Jan 15, 2019

Now that we are in winter, I have an urge to plant a few winter-flowering camellias. What is the best season for planting them?

Autumn is best is they are bare root, but if they are potted any time as long as you can water the first summer.

@Fernapple anytime it is, then, as I have only seen them sold here in potted format.


I can't wait to see all your roses blooming! Please post lots of pictures

Heidi68 Level 8 Jan 14, 2019

Oh, I will! ?


Looks good.

Remowill Level 7 Jan 14, 2019

If you're sore it means you're out of shape. Too bad you didn't save more shovelling for another day. Now that you've spruced up all your muscles it's time keep them in shape by doing another garden 🙂
Well done!

flower_nut Level 7 Jan 14, 2019

Excellent therapy. I used to tell people that everytime I wanted to kill someone, I simply grabbed a shovel and dug a hole and planted something.
All of my yards have been gorgeous.....I figure I've saved a few million dollars in psychiatrist fees - the neighborhood(s) were better off for it....and I'm not wearing an orange jumpsuit. Win-Win

Lavergne Level 8 Jan 14, 2019

I find I can satisfy my murderous urges by squishing or cutting in half bad bugs in the garden! Have you ever poured table salt on a slug? Woohoo! ?


It looks marvelous! Good job. I know it was a lot of work!




Lovely impressive layout . Well done !
I retired some 13 years ago . I've been setting up planters , so I can still do a little gardening from my scooter . I get a bit of help for the parts I can't do , still , but I've been adding soil support blocks to raise my beds .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 14, 2019

That crape myrtle tree I beheaded I am leaving as "scaffolding" for a vigorous rambling Peggy Martin rose I still need to transplant. She blooms heavily in spring, so I am waiting til after that to transplant, as it will take awhile to recover.

Why did you do that to the crape myrtle? I've threaten to shoot, dismember and feed to the dogs people that just suggested doing that to mine.

@glennlab because it was nearly 30 feet high and bloomed out, barely any color, and, crucially, was blocking my direct eastern morning sun exposure needed for my roses, which are my top gardening priority. Second priority for me is to grow a satsuma tree, which I have wanted for many years. The crape myrtle was not in the plans. It is lucky I let it at all. I chopped it to 9 feet and will let it top out at about 15, but that is the limit.
I promise never to chop YOUR crape myrtle! ?

@MikeInBatonRouge You're better off removing it if you want it to stay at 15 ft, I've had to remove several. To get good blooms, you should never trim anything bigger than a pencil. There are 100s of varieties but to get the best out of them you need to pretty much leave them alone. I would take it out if I were you. With your plans, it doesn't fit and the sooner you remove it the easier it will be to make your dream happen.

@glennlab thanks for that. I may still do that. My father in law, a retired landscape architect, said the same thing. I have to figure what to use for a structure for my rose to climb.

@MikeInBatonRouge buy a 4 x 8 or 2x 8 latticework between 2 4x4s, the hardest thing you ever do in landscaping your own property is to take something out, even when you don't like it. Don't waste years of not being happy with it before you take it out. I've made that mistake before and if you wait until you "have " to take it out. I just took out a plum and mulberry and getting ready to take out a nectarine. When you take out the crape myrtle, know that you are going to get volunteers coming up from the root ball. As long as you are not planning on food crops over the roots for 3 years, there are easy ways to get rid of them without digging. Hit me up if that is in your future.

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