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Wildflower sod. ?????

I've used wildflower sod for years. You can purchase it geographical-select, or take your chances on what you like (that may not be geographically "normal." )

What I'm wondering today: has anyone made their own wildflower sod? ? While looking to purchase, I see all sorts of people making their own sod. I don't know why someone would do that, but someone here may know. ?

Wildflower carpet sod:

SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 18
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I have been tempted to get wildflower sod before. But I have never done it, but I have taken some wildflowers from the side of the road (certified local wildflorwers) and transplanted to my year. Hopefully they will come back this year.

Zoohome Level 8 Jan 19, 2019

It's so easy to compost. Start with a small, tightly sealed but easy to open container, under the sink. Coffee grounds made up the bulk of my compost; and I know that one coffee outlet leaves left over grounds at the back door for gardeners. Check with your local coffee shop. Add all your veggie leftovers - but no animal products - in the bucket. When it's full, take it out to the garden. Serious gardeners buy compost turning bins....available for less the $100 to well over. Then make your own compost. Buy a bag of wildflower seed mix; and you're ready to experiment with creating your own wildflower sod.

Yep...even Walmart has compost bins. Do it.


Robecology Level 9 Jan 18, 2019

I check the contents & make sure there are no invasives. I rather buy seed packets in abundance.

Mooolah Level 8 Jan 18, 2019

I've done this in small patches. (The danger is adding an invasive species). Being a cheapskate gardener, I go to a dollar store where the packets of seeds are crazy cheap and buy a whole bunch and then just spread the seed on some soil that's been scratched up. Then water.

It's a lot easier, and you'd get more variety, by buying the American Meadows mixes. There may be other companies that sell wildflower seeds. Whatever you do, it always looks beautiful.

ADKSparky Level 8 Jan 18, 2019

I have bought those before. Curiosity more than anything. What seems to happen is just some of the flowers grow because conditions for each seed are different. One will take off and overtake all the others and shade them out. But then you know what will grow, so you don't spend more on the kits, right?

Hathacat Level 9 Jan 18, 2019

@SeaGreenEyez I always just want to see what comes up! It's fun!

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