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We have weather moving in again - hope it doesn't hurt everything budding up....
Peach trees, hydrangeas, black berries - my roses are also budding I just didn't get any photos

Heidi68 8 Feb 19
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Do like Canute and tell it to bugger off.

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 20, 2019

It will probably work for me as well as it did for him....

@Heidi68 he reputedly sat there perhaps you should go for the butterfly effect. ?

@FrayedBear and I bet you want a video of it when I try, don't you?

@Heidi68 What a great idea! I never thought of that...getting slow and out of touch.


Only 2 more month and there will be buds here, too.

That sucks....


Spring is settling in here. The mimosas will be in bloom shortly. I thinkj the worst is over.

CeliaVL Level 7 Feb 20, 2019

I remember when I lived in Nebraska, we had a not so bad winter and it seemed we were getting an early spring and our Dogwood tree had buds all over it, then we got a hard freeze for 3 days and we got no flowers that year.

That happens here (Chattanooga, TN) sometimes too.

That sucks! Dogwoods are so beautiful when in bloom!

@Heidi68 I know, they are my favorite tree. They don't do so well in Texas as it's to hot for them I think. When I went up to Nebraska in November of last year I went by the house Richard and I had where we had planted our beautiful tree as I wanted to see how big it had gotten. The fucking new owner chopped it down because he couldn't see out to the street it had gotten so big. I stood there and cried my eyes out on the sidewalk.

@Redheadedgammy who wants to see the road? Idiot....
The woods on my the back of my property is covered in them.

@Heidi68 You're so lucky!!! Please post a picture when they bloom. I would love to see that.

@Redheadedgammy I will

@Redheadedgammy You just need to head to east texas, the woods are full of them. From huntsville north and east.

I did not know Dogwood trees were growing in East Texas. Whenever I've gone out that way, which is rare, I don't care for the people. They are mostly trump supporters and I can't stand them. But thanks for letting me know.?


Just rain here. Lots of rain! We're already 7" over our 'normal'.

But I did manage to get some things done in the garden that I needed to.

I swear it has rained every couple of days (especially my days off) since the beginning of the year. I am over it.

@Heidi68 Yea, me too, but mother nature has the final word.

@AstralSmoke yes she does... I just can't wait for some warm dry weather (for at least a couple of days)

@Heidi68 Dry weather would be nice. I just hope we don't have a drought this summer.

@AstralSmoke I just need it to be dry long enough for the farmers to cut & bale hay. Yes I am a little selfish ?


Oh no!

Hathacat Level 9 Feb 19, 2019
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