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Easy potatoes


Hathacat 9 Mar 7
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Great idea

ADKSparky Level 8 Mar 8, 2019

Just bought my 9 year-old grandson a potato planting kit for his birthday.

CeliaVL Level 7 Mar 8, 2019


@Hathacat It's great - it is a flat-bottomed reusable sack with a window covered by a flap so he can see the potatoes growing. I got him that, a bag of seed potatoes and a sack of compost. I'm going over on his birthday next week to help him plant it up. I'm going to be as keen as he will be!


When I lived in Edmonton many years ago many Ukrainian Edmontonians used to plant potatoes in used tires just adding a layer of of soil as they added each tire as the plants grew. I saw stacks as high as 10 tires and seen harvests of as much as a bushel and a half per stack.
I now grow my potatoes under hay with no digging, hilling or planting, works great.

I have seen many ways to do this too. I just liked how tidy this was for someone like me with no usable land, really.

@Hathacat I see how it would work well even on a balcony but so do tires in fact that is where Isay the 10 tire stack, 4 stories up.

@HeathenFarmer Haha Not into ladders! I will stick to my little pot with my little potatoes. Don't eat that many anyway!


Oooo might have to try it this way

Lllewis Level 7 Mar 8, 2019

I would actually think a potted potato plant would be attractive!

@Hathacat they are beautiful whilst growing, mine are in a bag at the moment


Neat idea .

Cast1es Level 9 Mar 7, 2019

This is awesome!! I love potatoes so this will make it easy to grow. Thank you for posting this.

DiThor Level 6 Mar 7, 2019

Post when you get some!

@Hathacat will do!


Better than the barrel ideas.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 7, 2019

Easy to do a couple don't you think?

@Hathacat Yes, I would need to do it in the next week, before it starts getting too hot here.

@glennlab It is still cold and just snowed here. I am so done with this place, lol.

@Hathacat It was 21 2 days ago and nearly 70 today. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 75, then spring thunderstorms sat and sun. if not for weird, we wouldn't have any weather at all.

@glennlab The warmest day we have had was a couple of hours when it went up to 45!


Pretty cool.

Very cool can have homegrown potatoes year around and have them indoors when freezing and snowy outside.

@DiThor I have been harvesting potatoes all winter. Plant them in the summer and when the stalks die down cover the bed with mulch and harvest them when I need them. This was the last batch I harvested - some 3 1/2 lbs


I've got a nice little plot that runs itself, I pick some and leave some to reseed. I mow it in early spring and they grow fast and dense and mostly choke out the weeds. Pretty too, dark green foliage with little purple flowers.

Buttercup Level 8 Mar 7, 2019

That's wonderful! I think this is for those with no room, or like me, a back that can't take all the digging!

@Hathacat Saw that, I have room, more than my back can care for. This bed gets a lot of shade because my southern neighbor has mature cedars. I've tried other things but most veggies(and weeds?) need more sun. Nice lazy man's garden.

@Buttercup Awsome!

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