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Can somebody give me a little advice on planting seed potatoes? Also, can I use old red potatoes that have goon bad and started to sprout eyes? Thanks.....

Lop-Eared-Mule 7 Mar 24
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I always use seed potatoes. This year I got 19 lbs from 4 lbs of Yukon Golds. Wait until the seed potatoes have some growth and then plant them.

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 24, 2019

I can't see spending the resources planting and nurturing anything that is super cheap and readily available to buy. It does not seem cost effective.

CaroleKay Level 8 Mar 24, 2019

They're pretty, dense green foliage with maroon flowers and hold their own against weeds.


While you can, whether you should or not is a different question. Seed potatoes have not been irradiated to enhance storage as have almost all potatoes you buy for consumption. The difference in yield can be 10 fold. The irradiation not only inhibits the desire to sprout, but can affect it's ability to reproduce. The average seed potato to finished harvest is 25 to 1, so even a small investment has the potential for a large yield.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 24, 2019

I was a little amiss at 'seed potato'. Why is it called that when potatoes aren't grown from seed. I did minimal research and came up with this Oxford Living Dictionaries meaning, "A potato that is intended for replanting to produce a new plant and hence more tubers."

I'm speaking from a gardeners point of view when I say I plant for produce plus I save some 'seeds' for next spring, but the seeds aren't my major concentration. So, I just plant potatoes.

Perhaps I have my nomenclature wrong.

@Lop-Eared-Mule No, your wording is correct. I've heard seed potato my entire life and didn't know exactly what it meant. Now I do.


They say you should use seed potatoes that are disease free , I've used old potatoes before with success . Remember the Irish potato famine .

Besalbub Level 8 Mar 24, 2019

You can and they'll grow great, the sprouts are clones of the parent so you'll get the same potato you planted, cut chunks with at least one eye and plant them sprout preferably facing up.

Buttercup Level 8 Mar 24, 2019

I have self sustaining patch, I pick some, till a little to divide them and kill the weeds and they come back every year


The first time I grew potatoes was by accident, putting sprouting peels in the compost. Yes, you can definitely grow potatoes this way <3

meowmom Level 4 Mar 24, 2019
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