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Rhubarb was recently mentioned (I have 3 plants) and I learned some things today about this plant. First off is it a vegetable or fruit. One would think its like Chard or celery but it is not related to either of those. It is a petiole and related to sorrel and buckwheat and is definitely a vegetable. However, in 1947 (a big year for lots of big issues – including my being hatched) the U.S. Customs Court of New York declared it to be a fruit (the ruling was based on not what it is but how it is used). Another possible myth is that its leaves are poisonous (they’re loaded with oxalic acid) but don’t tell that to the deer around here because they eat the leaves down to the stalk (I have a garlic based spray that really works). BTW Washington, with a whole 275 acres, is the Rhubarb capital of the U.S.

JackPedigo 9 Apr 10
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It's odd they would declare rhubarb a fruit since it has none of the properties of fruit (such as seeds). I understood a controvery over whether tomatos are fruit due to sugar content. As for how it is used, i regularly see sweet potatoe pies around the holidays here in Texas, but as far as I know, no one thinks to try to call sweet potatoes a fruit.

RussRAB Level 8 Apr 10, 2019

We grew rhubarb in our yard when I was growing up. I thought it was fascinating. My grandparents had it in their yard and kept separating clumps and sharing it. Had I not moved so many times I'd have had rhubarb and asparagus.

Thanks for reminding me. I checked and the Asparagus is also coming up.

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