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Does anyone have a worm bin? I have one that I have been keeping in the kitchen. It amazingly has no smell. I like opening it up and seeing the worms busy making compost. I put in my kitchen scraps and shredded leaves. There are several shelves and you add to the top and remove from the bottom. I switch out the shelves about every 3 weeks. I get compost out of the very bottom. I only wonder if it will attract mice.

Stephanie99 8 Apr 28
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Worm bins are designed for kitchen waste and to have a specific type of worm that does not do well in the cold. I had lots of worms in my regular compost bin, but that was a different thing. Red worms are especially good at taking care of decaying organic material: []


It should not attract mice if the rotting veg is covered with soil and the a lid. You are more likely to get cockroaches and slugs!

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 29, 2019

@FrayedBear It shouldn't be able to attract slugs indoors. (I hope)

@Stephanie99 I hope not either but their eggs can be adhered to skins etc. thrown in with waste.


Mine love apples. I love nothing more than seeing a ball of worms inside the eaten out apple skin writhing all over each other in what looks like an orgiastic frenzy. I'm not sure if it is a sexual or feeding frenzy. Currently I have three going a 3 level round one, a 3 level rectangular one and an old laundry sink.

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 29, 2019

I just have a huge compost pile and it is full of them.

EricJones Level 8 Apr 29, 2019

I built a large one for our garden and we kept it full. My late partner would go to the grocery store and get food that was going to get thrown out. She would come home with bags (some of which was still perfectly eatable). I still use it and empty my compost bin in it but there are very few worms and I am slowly having to let go of this garden. It is just too large and takes too much time.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 28, 2019

I'm the same.


I have a worm bin. It was in the kitchen but it got infested with fruit flies last fall, so it got moved to the garage. Then when it got REALLY cold I moved it into the basement. I will be moving it back to the garage soon. I love it, I switch it out about twice a year. Mine is only two bins, top and bottom; made out of plastic storage containers with lots of holes drilled in the right places. I will add the castings in the bottom bin to the garden soon, and then fill it with damp shredded newspaper. Then it will become the top bin where I add the kitchen scraps. The worm will travel to the top bin when they are finished with the bottom bin. I find it fascinating!

@HippieChick58 You and I seem to have a lot of things in common. I love mine too. I hope it stays free from fruit flies.

@Stephanie99 I garden, I recycle, I reuse, repurpose, sew, create, I eat real foods, I believe in "make love not war," and this is why I am a Hippie Chick!

@HippieChick58 Me too.


I have never heard of keeping one indoors. I am surprised there is no smell. Convenient for kitchen green waste, but doesn't it make a mess when you get out the compost?

CeliaVL Level 7 Apr 28, 2019

@CeliaVL It's not that bad. You just remove a tray. I have other trays to set it into so that it doesn't spill out the bottom.


I've never done an indoor one. I've always been in a place I can keep a small compost frame.

freeofgod Level 8 Apr 28, 2019

There's not a spot up here that you can stick a trowel in and not have worms crawling all over....... 😉 🙂

Lavergne Level 8 Apr 28, 2019

You must have very good dirt.


I added a few worms to my outdoor compost bins . they did a great job!

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 28, 2019
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