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I want to promote gardening... on a city rooftop, a balcony, a deck, a backyard, or a vacant lot... and to help the poor to grow food. I found this idea on a website by two 13 yr old kids and improved it into a garden system... You can get free instructions from anybody can grow food at home...

FrostyJim 8 May 19
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I always worry about the extra weight on a roof , especially after a good rain . If you're gardening on a roof , how are the poor to access much less know about it , unless they live in the building It's a long way up to carry soil , fertilizer , water , etc.

Cast1es Level 9 May 21, 2019

I know lots of folks growing on apartment building rooftops in cities all over the world - just because you don't have a yard doesn't mean you can't grow some food...

They do well in hot, arid climates too...


We do enjoy the harvest emotionally as well as in the eating, don't we?

wordywalt Level 9 May 19, 2019

My basement has some potential. Especially when I don't want my neighbors to see the buds.

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 19, 2019

Wow; that's some serious grow-buckets! Your business? Good luck....I hope some big buidling owners see this...great rooftop projects for cities!

There are many cities that are welcoming this; Here's an article about it being done in Milan, Italy. Search Singapore high rise gardens for more.


Robecology Level 9 May 19, 2019
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