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A different way get honey. What do you think?


Hathacat 9 May 22
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I am not an expert, I would like to have bees at some point. But reading the comments from beekeepers make you have second thoughts.

Zoohome Level 8 May 22, 2019

I'm sure this a great improvement , for the bees as well as for the bee keepers . Now if they could only figure out what's killing the bees , and how to stop it .

Cast1es Level 9 May 22, 2019

There's major regions that are losing bees...but bees are doing well in others.

We need them for Dicot flower pollination,, but not monocot (grains) so many grain growers use pesticides that are harmful to huge swaths of the mid-west - where grains are growing...are devoid of bees...which hurts the flowering crops (peas, beans, etc).

It's a tough and scary issue. These houses wouldn't do well in areas where grain farms are abundant.


Interesting. Im sharing with my niece to research. She's new to beekeeping

Livinlife Level 9 May 22, 2019

I had considered getting one of those, but I realized I'd need to fence my yard to keep neighbor kids out, and I don't have a big yard, and my yard is very sloped. So looks like I am going to keep buying my honey instead of being a beekeeper. Sigh.


The system can be had for anywhere from $300 to $800 for the original inventor's model. It's a bit confusing what's included and what's not....lots - perhaps too many - options.

Robecology Level 9 May 22, 2019

I've seen these before. I'm sharing it with my daughter in law, who's super-health conscientious.

Robecology Level 9 May 22, 2019
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