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My night blooming cereus was at it again last night. One pic is how they look before blooming, the other when fully open. The scent is wonderful!

Redheadedgammy 9 June 4
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I want.

send me a private message with your address and I'll send you one. I'll cut a piece off and get it started first, then send it to you.


Oh, you lucky southerners, how I envy the fantastic flowers that grow there!!

You can grow this one indoors. I brought the one gifted to me up to Nebraska when I moved there for a few years and just kept it in a pot indoors during the winter and took it outside in the spring and summer. They do great in pots. All of mine are in pots so I can bring them into the garage when we get our cold snaps down here in Texas.


Are they a succulent?

Lorajay Level 9 June 4, 2019

Yes they are in that family but don't like direct sunlight.



I wish we had smell-o-vision so you could smell how lovely the fragrance is. 😍


Very nice and they smell wonderful!

One if the nicest smelling flowers. The Sphinx moths were on it last night.

@Redheadedgammy I don't have Sphinx moths on mine. Not any blooms yet, either. Mine blooms around the first of July.



glennlab Level 10 June 4, 2019

The scent of the flower is so wonderful. I love to sit outside when they start opening to enjoy the smell and the flowers.

@Redheadedgammy It seems that night blooming flowers have a very strong fragrence, both good and bad.


Wow, pretty neat. What kind of insects are they trying to get for pollination?

JackPedigo Level 9 June 4, 2019

I have no idea about the insects but there were sphinx moths all over them last night. I wonder if they pollinate them?


They are awesome!

Heidi68 Level 8 June 4, 2019

They really are an awesome plant. Not to attractive on their own, but when they flower it's well worth it to have them in your garden. I keep all mine in pots because I don't have shade anywhere in my yard except under my pergola.

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