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I am reaching out to some of the more experienced gardeners out there.
I recently bought an ounce of 4 O'Clock seed because i have read that it attracts and kills Japanese beetles.
I sooooooooo want to attract and destroy Japanese beetles!
My question is, is it too late to grow some seeds now, and how do i store the majority until Spring??
Thanx in advance

Leafhead 8 Aug 8
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My best advice would be to plant it at 4 O'Clock

ChurchLess Level 7 Aug 10, 2019

I am in the margin between zones 8b and 9a, so obviously NOT your climate. These reseed so easily that once they get going, they should come back year after year. The seeds are big enough to spot and harvest, which, given your winters, I think I would do at least the first winter, just in case winter is too much for the seeds to survive. Then wait long enough into late spring to see if it self reseeds successfully. If not, you'll still have a supply to sew. If I were you, though, I would just save them til spring at this point. The seeds are tough and should last easily for next year.

I've since been in contact with the company and they recommended the same. I have the seeds in a drawer where they'll stay dry and out of the sun. I plan on sewing in April next year in big pots and around the garden. I want those disgusting beetles gone!
Eat up, you little bastards


You are in Wisconsin? You can try to start seeds anytime, but they may not get a chance to mature before getting hit with a frost. In Ohio when I was a kid, 4 O'clocks were perenial and would come back each year. You may want fo plant some of your seeds now just to see what happpens, and save some for next spring. Here in Texas, I believe these seeds are readily available from the garden stores. To store seeds, I typicalls use a paper envelope. Seeds are often sold in paper packets, so I figured paper was a decent choice. Instructions often say to store them in a cool dry place. Good Luck on your endeavor, and let up know how it works out.

RussRAB Level 8 Aug 9, 2019

I was hoping to get a few going just enough to feed some of the Japanese beetles. They are poisonous to them.
They are very attracted to the foliage, eat it and DIE.
I will try Milky Spore this year and save my seeds til Spring


If you have the patience, tip them into a jar, or tuna fish can, with rubbing alcohol in it, they will not survive. I had to do this to save an infested Harry Lauder Walking Stick bush, some years ago.

BirdMan1 Level 8 Aug 8, 2019

I am going to plant a bed around the birch, which gets stripped.
Also around my pussywillow. I honestly don't know how the latter survives the onslaught.
A huge pot of them will draw fire from my zinnias, Buddhlea and Swamp Milkweed. They don't eat the foliage on the latter two, but suck the nectar from the flowers, rendering them useless.
They just suck period.


I don't know your growing seasons. It would be to late here but many winter over well. Put the dry seeds in a clean dry jar with an airtight lid and they can keep up to ten years with the number that of fertile ones declining every year.
If you want to attract Japanese beetles put out a trap. The scent will bring them in for over a mile.

freeofgod Level 8 Aug 8, 2019

I don't want to attract them without killing them.
Those pheromone traps do more harm than good.
4 O'Clock is poison to Japanese beetles

@Leafhead I was curious about that. I would hand pick them and drop them in soapy water with a little white vinegar. If you grow roses you will find them inside the buds. When the rose blooms they fall out.

I do that on a regular basis. Certain things I just don't grow because of beetles and bunnies.
Hardy Hibiscus is just such a pipe dream.
The beetles are truly bigger than Christ up here!

@Leafhead Once they come in it's a constant battle. Sometimes a losing one 😟


I have no idea about growing it or saving the seeds BUT I need some!
My enjoyment this year was a bowl of water with dawn dish soap in it. Catching the little bastards and putting them in the bowl. Or catching them, walking to the paved driveway and stomping them....
Yes, I know I may have some issues.

Heidi68 Level 8 Aug 8, 2019

Umm, maybe.

@tinkercreek you should see what they did to my roses, grapes & ornamental plum.... they created my issues 😂

Try Eden Brothers
1 828 633 6338

@Heidi68 they do a real number on whole trees like birch and basswood.
And I have no respect for any being that eats, shits and screws all at the same time!

@Leafhead I know! It gave me pleasure when I got 2 at a time. Not only was I getting 2 for the price of 1 but any spawn they were producing!

I find literal, er, clusterfucks of them. It makes me sick.
All they leave is mesh where a leaf was and SHIT.
And they mooch all the nectar out of my Milkweeds, Buddhlea and Phlox.
Next year I've got a couple nasty tricks up my sleeve.
By the God of the Gaps, I will have my Hibiscus!!!

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